Freeeeeeeeeeeedom !!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Just spoke to IIO@VSC. My and my spouse’s case has been approved
on Jun 30.

RD Feb 2000
PD May 98/EB3/India
FP March 2001
RFE May 2, 2001
RFE received by INS Jun 2, 2001

My spouse’s RD Jun 2000
FP Nov 2000

Both of us have been approved together on Jun 30.

I would like to thank everybody who has contributed to this
Forum. My little advice to the people who’s processing is
behind comparatively to others. Call IIO and ask them
what is happening with your case. Whenever I felt that my
Case is falling behind others, I called IIO (total 3 times I called)
and things started moving. But also be sure to be reasonable while
Calling…. Don’t call every day or every week. Usually I made sure
that its over 4 weeks before calling. Guess that made positive impact