Freedom is just a state of my mind


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I have seen numerous postings from people saying, "Enjoy your freedom" upon GC approvals. I just like to add that freedom is nothing but a state of mind. One could be a slave of one\'s own design. GC, or no GC, you are as free as you were born. Only freedom that GC brings is to remove the restriction on the length of stay in this country. You are still subject to deportation as a permanent resident if you get onto the wrong side of the law. The job opportunities depend on the market conditions. I know a friend of mine (BE from IIT, MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad and 20+ years of IT experience) with GC now for 5+ years. He is currently without job and struggling to survive with all his liabilities like mortgage payments, kids education and all the rest.

I am not posting negative thoughts. Just being real.
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I cannot agree more

I have a friend who is IIT BE too, with MS/MBA in Computer Science in US

But without job now for 5 months. He has GC for 5 years.

So GC does not guarantee you anything.
I do not disagree, but...

What happens is that having worked under H1-B for almost 6 years, without the GC, could not look for different jobs inspite of graduating MBA. I still could have joined a new company, but if I did not get past the 485 application stage, I would have to leave back to India (which is not a bad option). If I would have known CSC would be moving so fast,I see fellow applicants PD is 2000 or later) (which they werent doing in 99-00) I might have switched my carreer (from IT to Finance).

Now on having the approval, I can look for any job, be it in Circuit City or Big 5 or timbuc2. It provides me a flexibility which I definitely treat a form of freedom. With the mortgage payments, prop tax etc., I could not afford to be out of job for long....

Yes. finally it is all in ones self what they would define as \'Freedom\'. It is more objective than subjective.
We as computer scientist have more freedom than others

My green card was predominantly for my wife.

There are other industries where they have not, will not
and can not hire people on H1 visas. It just isn\'t the culture.

Those people do not have freedom to work in their chosen
professions. A GC gives them this freedom to do so.

I think lots of people file GC for their spouses benefit.

I wouldn\'t agree your opinion with Pump

Theortially, "Freedom" is a state of mind. That\'s what every religion teaches. If everyone follows the same, NO one will be unhappy. But, that\'s not what we are seeing. Now, You have got your card and your thought is that everywhere layoffs and how we are going to survive through the phase. Well. If we have a +ive state of mind, we should see these "shrinking econmoy" or "widespread layoffs" threats as opportunities. May be this is this is the time to look for a new career or have our own establishment?. But, how many of us do that? If we look back the way come, We( I mean most of us) always used to seek to be within our comfortable zone. Continue to seek the comport zone is the problem. In reality, most of us in that category!!!.