Free US Citizenship test questions


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Hi all,

Just wanted to share a great resource with those of you looking to apply for US citizenship and having the take the citizenship test..

This site has some great test questions for the New Naturalization Test. You can find the site over at:


Hope you all enjoy!! Good luck!! :D
Sorry to be brutally honest here - that is a crappy test.

Save your time and refer to the test provided by USCIS on their website here
When you get your finger prints done USCIS provides you with a booklet that has all 100 questions and answers. The booklet has a cd in the back that has the audio version of each question followed by all the possible acceptable answers. I burned the CD to my ipod and left the cd in the car sterio so I listened to it everytime I drove. I played it over and over so many times I could have answered the questions in my sleep. IE, don't sweat the test questions, preparation is really easy and you only need to get 6 right out of 10.

You’ll just need to check on the answers specific to your state – capital city, senators, governor, congressmen etc.