France Transit Visa in Bombay - Need Help


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My wife traveled to India via paris using AP by Air India. We obtained French transit visa.
Due to long stay in India (over 3 months), the consulate issued Transit visa for only 1 week for upward travel.
they said we must get transit visa in bombay for downward journey (to Newark).
Bombay is very far for us. And with the kid it's not an easy one obtaining transit visa.
That consulate accepts only on-site applications. No mail applications.
3 weeks ago I sent an e-mail to consulate about this but no reply yet.

Did anyone faced this situation?
please advise me how to get French Airside Transit Visa in Bombay?.
Does anyone have letter format for transit visa?

I don't think you need Transit Visa if flying by Air India. This flight just makes a stop but none of the US passengers are allowed to get off the plane. I took this flight a year ago and did not get any Visa.
You don't need a transit visa if flying with Air India. I came back by same flight from Mumbai to Newark via Paris a couple of weeks ago. I did not require transit visa. You don't have to leave the plane at paris.
Am not sure about other airlines.
NO need

I travelled in September this year with AP via paris to mumbai and back, there is really no need for a Airport transit Visa, even though the French Consulate might say otherwise. Its a different story that I had the transit Visa.

But really, nobody really looked/asked for it. They can't because at paris you are not allowed to exit the plane. Airport Transit visa is required if you transit in at the airport. Even if there is a emergency and you are asked to exit the plane at paris they should issue you emergency transit visa.

About getting Transit Visa in mumbai, I don't think everyone needs to travel, One person can apply for the family. There is a simple form for Airport transit Visa, no covering letter required.

Try contacting NY/Boston French consulates for a quick response.

All the best.