FPs in the coming...


Registered Users (C)
I spoke to my Attorney today. He's been told by TSC that they are going to take up the 2001/2002 cases and start issuing FP notices shortly in the coming few weeks. So, let's keep our fingers crossed.....
Are you sure you wanted to say 2001/2002 and not 2002/2003 coz I haven't seen a single post from a 2001 filer who still has to be FPed?

I'll bet my money that your lawyer was just trying to say some words of encouragement to cheer you up. If the guy really have a hold at TSC I would like to know his name and phone number. I want to check and see if he can pull me out of the mess I am in now. Ha Ha Ha

ND 09/01
FP1 01/03
FP2 05/04
The attorney might be right, because there may be few 2001 filers who's FP expired and there are several 2002 fileres with No FP. This may be TSC's sweep to send FP notices for all 2001 and 2002 filers. I am hoping to get the FP notice in couple of weeks and approval by 01/2005.
We can always hope TSC will keep making promises and for once will keep their words... I am waiting...

BTW, how many weeks is 'a few weeks' by TSC standard, somehow Bush's 60 days translated to me as more than 2 years...

ND: May 2002
FP: ????
If Bush can be guaranteed a re-election by issuing green card to all applicants with pending cases he will order the CIS to send the card tomorrow. No kidding. Immigration is a card in the hands of politicians. I don't know how much value is with this card now.
I got my first FP notice today. It has been a long wait, but at least here comes little move, better than nothing. So keep your hopes up, you will get there in the end. Wondering how long does it take for them to process the fingerprint notice.

ND: May 2002
The people who are receiving their GC right now...were all FP'd in mid to end 2003. So in that perspective...i would think another year for us....I hope I'm wrong
LUD is - Last Update Date and when you register your cases (portfolio) on to USCIS website you could check it just by logging yourself in. This tells you the last date when your file was touched. But as has been mentioned in this forum - some times it means a lot and some times nothing happens.
I am dec 2001 filer wtng for FP

tarun_j said:
Are you sure you wanted to say 2001/2002 and not 2002/2003 coz I haven't seen a single post from a 2001 filer who still has to be FPed?


My ND is 21dec2001. yet to receive my FP???
LAST UPDATE DATE. This will gets updated whenever your file moved or somebody touched