FP2 Notice not received. Any action?


Registered Users (C)
17 Months since 1st FP and FP2 notice not received as yet. Do I need to take any action or do I just wait for them to send me the notice?
It takes a while for them to send FP2 notice. You just have to wait patiently.

Don't worry they'll make sure you get it.
same case here...

I've done my FP1 back in Sep 2002 but haven't yet received any 2nd FP notice. I called the NCSC to ask them the same and the answer was very vague and wasn't anything that I already didn't know. I guess the notices aren't generated automatically at the end of 15 months.

There is no point in searching for logic to how this beheamoth works. While ultimately it will end, for now, just enjoy your free seats on this ride called uncertainity.
Re 2nd FP Notice:
I will be completing 20 months soon after 1st FP expired in September 2003 and no 2nd FP for me.
If U count from 1st FP date, it will be 23 months.
What U have to say?

Any thoughts in comparisons?
Just chill

You'll get your FP2 notice pretty soon. I was waiting for mine till now. I got my notice today after 20 months of first FP :)