FP1 for DEC 05 RD

Hi glrao,

What ASC center? Just to check the theory that the ASCs in big cities send the FP with a bigger delay ...

glrao said:
FP notice that we get from BCIS has specific date and time. Mine had SEPT 9th at 12:00PM. But I went to FP today well in advance 15 days..there was no question about the scheduled date or time.. they just checked the name and asked me to stand in the line...
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ASC- Application support center

Which does finger printing GC card renewal etc... its like franchise of BCIS..
OK, sorry for misunderstanding, I wasn't asking what ASC means :D :D :D , I was curios where did you go for fingerprint, which city ???

glrao said:
Which does finger printing GC card renewal etc... its like franchise of BCIS..
Why go early ?

I received FP notice with day and time. Doing early finger printing help anyway?