FP1(code 3) done in March-05 and asked to take FP2(code 1) in March 2006?


New Member
I (primary applicant) took FP1(code 3) together with my wife in March 2005 at a local TSC office.

I just received the FP2(code 1) today and was asked to take FP at the same local office like before. But my wife has not received anything yet. Is this normal?
My guess is that your wife will receive it soon too.

I am in the same boat. We(I and my wife) did my FP(Code 3) on 03/22/05. We now received notice for Biometrics at the same ASC for 03/07/06.

My case is EB2. 185 ND 10/13/04.
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Same with me...We did our FPs March-2005 (Code 3) and got our FP-2 (Code 1) in March-2006.

Does it mean any progress on case? or is it because the old FPs are expiring?
I think they are sending notices to everybody with biometrics atleast one year old and also to the people who have never done any FP. I don't think there is anything special about it. My guess is that TSC is figuring out how to spend Tax payer's money.