FP tracking for July/Aug 2001 applicant.

RD 8/29/01; ND 9/27/01; waiting for EAD/AP/FP

RD 8/29/01;
ND 9/27/01;
waiting for EAD/AP/FP;

Chicago area

God bless you.
Waiting for FP ....

Case : EB3 (India), 11/30/2001 (PD)

485 Details:
RD : 08/10/2001
ND : 09/17/2001
EAD : 10/20/2001 (received card on 10/25/2001)

Waiting for AP and FP ....
EAD Approved...joining FP Thread

RD 08/13/2001
ND 09/20/2001
EAD 10/25/2001 (mine)
EAD 10/26/2001 (spouse)
All this is as per AVM...and hoping the cards soon.
not time for the wait for FP...
Hi Milehigh

Hi, here we meet again, looks like we chase each other until we get GC. Any how if you hear anything please email me at Select5@hotmail.com, and also in this site, I really appreciate it if you use hotmail account. Thanks, do you have a hotmail or Yahoo, please post or email me. Thanks..

Our EAD approavl dates are same, so better keep in touch.
EAD Approved .. Waiting for the Card and FP Notice

RD - 8/21/01
ND - 9/25/01
EAD (Approval) - 10/29/01

Waiting for the card and FP Notice.

Has any one with RD in Aug received FP Notice?

I got my EAD & AP on 11/3
What is your status on FP?
Looks like NSC is moving some LIN-01-1XX applications for approvals.
Still waiting for FP !

I am still waiting for FP. Got EAD and AD yesterday. Are you in Chicago ?
Received FP Notice Today

RD: 08/09/2001
ND: 09/19/2001
FP Notice Received: 11/08/2001
FP Scheduled Date: 12/06/2001
Wow !

Looks like INS is really cruising along !! Anybody else got their FP notice with RD in Aug 01