FP Tracker - NY

One other New Yorker also gets FP call

Please refer to the following post for previous details
psmith 1/4/02 8:42pm

My wife with the same RD and ND as me has got her FP notice also. My lawyer\'s secy. called us to inform that they had received both copies of her FP notice (one was supposed to have been sent to my wife directly by the INS) and she was sending me the 2nd notice so that we can take it along for the FP. It gets weirder, I am supposed to go to Jamaica in Queens NY to get the FP done on 01/29/02 while my wife has to go to Manhattan to get her FP done on 01/31/02. INS does act in strange ways. There are rational ways to explain this but then who are we kidding!!! this is the INS :)).
FP Done Details

   Please refer to the link for PD/RD etc. details.
psmith 1/10/02 6:44pm

My wife and I have finished our fingerprinting. Mine was on 01/29/02
at the INS office at Jamaica in Queens, NY. and my wife\'s was on 01/31/02 at the INS Office at Varick St. in Manhattan, NY. Both of our fingerprints were done electronically. We had gone to my fingerprinting an hour before the appointment time of 12:00 noon. and had to wait till 1:30 P.M. to get it done. For my wife\'s we went earlier in the morning for her 1:00 P.M. appt. and got it done quickly no eyebrows raised. So I guess we could go early and lessen the wait time. We took our passports and Driver\'s License/State ID for identification and the appt. letter. I just now (02/04/02) called the FBI ( Tele# 304-625-5590 (option 4 give A#) ) and verified that both our fingerprints have been classified (i.e came out properly) and have been sent to the INS. Now I guess the long wait starts ... .