FP taken but not shown on-line


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I had my FP taken 05/02/03. Checked with FBI and was answered that the result has been sent to BCIS the same day.
Until now, nothing updated on-line. I saw few FP taken in June already updated.

What can be the reason? My FP is not good? Some problems? The result gets lost?
I did FP in March'29th. I called FBI, they said they received and sent it to INS TX office. But still no update about the finger print.
I am in the same boat. What I am concerned is ...

We (wife and me) did FP on 4/12/03, but online and AVM still not updated yet. Called FBI and was told they were sent the next day to BCIS. BCIS even not know if they had received that.

What I am concerned is: those updated were assigned to some officers, while those not updated have not been touched yet, and who knows for how long we have to wait.
vili, sssppp,houston_gc:

You all would want to call BCIS to find out if FP results from FBI were received and your files were updated or not. For us AOS applicants, that matters most. For all purposes, FBI would have sent your FP results to BCIS promptly, but if BCIS does not confirm that they received it, then it is of no use.

I am writing this out of my own experience. I did my first FP in May 02, FBI sent the results within a week, but my INS status was never updated. My fit-for-nothing attorney - Frogomen, et. al(FDBL) - told me this was normal and not to worry. Eventually after ten months I found out from INS on my own that INS lost my FP results. I had to persevere with them for many months before I got my second FP this month and my status has been appropriately updated to reflect that my FP results have been received today.

So don't rest until you find out the above from BCIS. Some of the reps in central INS - 800-375... - were really helpful in me getting my second FP.
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called BCIS but.....


Thank you for sharing with us your experience. I did try to talk with BCIS's reps. Perhaps, I am not good enough in this skill.
But I cannot find any information from the reps. Our conversation was as follows:

- I completed FP two months ago. My status online has not been updated. FBI said that they have sent the results to BCIS two months ago. I am concerned whether BCIS has received it.

- When did you file for I-485?

- March, 2002.

- You must wait at least 999 days, as we have a back logs here. People applied earlier than you are also waiting.

- I understand that. I am not questioning about the approval.

- What are you questioning about?

- About my FP?

- FP is just a part of I-485. Having FP done does not mean that the case is processed and approved.

- I know.

- Then why are you questioning about FP?

- Because it is not updated online?

- And why that is important when you still have a long way to wait.

- I see a lot of cases with FP done well after me, which got updated. And I worried something may happen to my FP.

- Why do you think that something happen to your FP?

- Because it did not get updated, when others did.

- What can happen to your FP?

- I can get lost or it is not correctly done....

- If something happens then BCIS will ask you. You are not asked that means your FP does not have problem.

- Do you affirm that my FP is OK?

- I am saying that you should wait until you received a notice that it is not OK or otherwise.

- Then why there are updated cases, when mine is not updated?

- Cases are different?

- Does it mean that those cases are assigned and processed and mine is still not.

- No, sir.

So I gave up. They never asked my case number, my name,... I guess that they can hire anybody to do the job with one page of instructions.

How can you guys can ask specific questions about your cases ?
Nothing updated after FP

I have the same problem, I have called TX so many times and ask them why my FP status is not updated (AVM and online) but no positive response. I did my FP in Jan 03 and till today nothing updated. BCIS did check my FP results by using my 'A' number in their main DB and they told me that they did recieve them but it is just not updated in their local DB.

ND: 5/01
Fp'ed 01/11/03
AD: God knows :eek:

I would send you an email tonight about how did I engage them and what all I did to get my 2nd FP. That might give you some pointers.

My "on-line status" has never been updated. Fotunately, I was able to confirm my FP results with TSC before the TSC phone line was disconnected.
Same here.

Originally posted by w8nc
My "on-line status" has never been updated. Fotunately, I was able to confirm my FP results with TSC before the TSC phone line was disconnected.
Vili RELAX!!!!!!!

hI, My details: 485 RD 11/2001, FP done 3/25/2003, still not updated online.

I called FBI and TSC and got confirmation from both that the prints were O.K and that they were sent out by FBI and received by TSC on 4/2/03. A nice TSC rep with a mild accent patiently looked every thing up for me.


HANG IN THERE GUYS. THERE ARE A LOT OF US HANGING WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

My point is not about hanging, but how to check whether TSC has received the FP.
Vili- The point most definitely was not about ' hanging"

Hi. I thought I answered your question in my post. You just picked on my last line about " hanging " and ignored the whole context of my message, which was that at least in Alabama once FBI clears your prints, they are safely delivered online to INS. Hope this answers your question.

Thanks. I think FBI always sent electronically. But I don't know how to check with BCIS whether they received it.
Not Shown

Even mine is not updated. FBI had sent my results back on June 12 back to INS and INS has still not updated. I don't what they are doing.