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FP results


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone,
I've just called FBI (at 304-625-5590 or 304-625-2406) to check the results of my FP, but they told me to call Chicago and to check it with them. As far as I can see here on the board, most of you did get the information from the FBI. Did anyone call Chicago? If yes, what are their contact numbers?
Well, if you asked a too detailed question, they might refer you
to USCIS. First ask them if they sent the result back to USCIS.
Once you get a "Yes", you may want to ask them if the quality of your
fingerprint was acceptable, just to be sure.
But don't ask if your record is clean or not. You should know
that better than anybody :)
She told me that they were supposed to send the results back within 24 hours, and that they got the instructions not to answer any other questions. I'll try tomorrow with a wiser question. Thanks anyway!
As of April 1, everything for DV is going through Chicago. I didn't know that applies to fp, but apparently it does.