FP rejection


Registered Users (C)
Did anybody in this board get FP rejected? What are the possible reasons? If ridges are not clear on one finger, does the FP gets rejected?
if you have an eletronic FP, the machine will tell you if it passes or not immediately.

The computer displayed "Broken Ridges" when I gave FP for 3-4

fingers. The INS guy said "It\'s Ok .. should not be a problem". FP cleared and AVM updated to " ... processing resumed ..." within 72 hours.
FP scan ...

I just had my FP done in Boston last week - digital scan. On several scans, \'broken ridges\' displayed on the screen - the machine operator simply did them again - no big deal. I\'m amazed that someone would say "It\'s ok - should not be a problem"!! Luckily, you didn\'t get rejected but apparently, they are not supposed to accept bad fingerprints. The laziness of some bureaucracy employees is astounding!
In fact he scanned my finger 2 -3 times and the "Broken Ridges"

message persisted. Then he had a close look at the scan and said that the delta (I think he said delta or some such technical term and don\'t know what that means) is OK and should not be a problem. Looks like he knew what he was doing.
FP Update

Did FP in Boston ASC on Thursday, March 15, 2002. Checked AVM on Saturday (03/23/2002) and heard the message "FP results received on March 18, 2002 and processing has resumed .... etc."