FP redo, just spoke to IIO


Registered Users (C)
Spoke with VSC IIO about an hour ago. My RD is 1/31/00, 1st FP was done in March this year, did the 2nd FP on 6/13/01. Called to make sure the FP was good. I was told my case was still pending, no other info provided. 5 minutes later, my husband called. he was told they were currently processing 9/1/00 RD cases, and his case shouldn\'t be sitting in the queue. Said would pull out his case for review. I hope this will help. Anybody with the same experience, please share.
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Hopebest, when you do the 2nd FP, do you get a notice from VSC for that? My FP was done in March and it was rejected, however, no 2nd FP notice yet. Called IIO and was told I can go to ASC to do that without notice. It is absolutely different from waht I read in this board. SO just want to confirm it. Could you please share your experience.
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Glad to know they are processing Sep00 case.

Binghamton Johnsoncity (long name....),
You can go to do 2nd FP without waiting redo notice from INS.
I did it with a photocopy of my FP notice in ASC. I checked with INS the next day, and IIO confirmed they had received my FP.

Not hurt to try it instead of waiting for INS snail.

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I got a notice from Newark INS for the 2nd FP (The 1st one was done in Newark). It didn\'t explain why the 1st one was rejected. It says: "It has been determined that your finger print needs to be retaken...".

My country is China, EB2 RIR. PD is 3/2/99.
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Thanks, hopebest and evergreen. Your guys\'s response are very helpful.

The FP needs redo is due to the poor quality of the prints. FBI told me three days after FP and INS refused to reveal if it is good or not. So called INS to confirm it and got the response as mentioned above.

Mine is Eb1, China, PD 5/00, ND 11/00, and 1st FP 3/01.
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hmmm... I did 1st in Oct 2000 (checked with FBI/VSC - they were good), then got 2nd in Apr 2001 (checked with VSC - they were also good) and got a transfer to local INS :)...

PS: no criminal records for sure
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deejjjaaaa :
Please, How long time did it take between you did the 2nd FP and you get a transfer to local INS?
Then, have you gone to the local INS yet? What did you do there?
