FP Received RD July 99, ND 8/4/99, WARNING TO ALL


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Not trying to be an alarmist but I think those who have not received their FP notices for 2 months after others with the same RD, ND, should call the INS.

I had not recevied my FP, thank god I check this web site. My lawyers did not track my case. When I called them (2 months ago) they would not answer my calls and when they did they said call back in a few days so that they can check with the INS. Well they never did. Finally I called the INS, spoke to an IIO, who was very polite. She said she will check on my case and will mail me the FP notice if necessary. I finally received it. Have yet to hear from my lawyers though.

When I read my FP notice the issue date was May. Iit said that if iI do not get my FP by Aug 25, my application will be considered abandoned and dumped. I was shocked. What if I had not called the INS myself. I could have gotten screwed big time.

So my message to you all. While you may hate the INS, do not. I repeat DO NOT, trust your lawyer. Monitor your case progress yourself.

All the best.
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Hi xrx,

I am in the exactly the same situation; RD 7/21/99 and ND 8/4/99. I called VSC yesterday and the IIO told me my FP was to have been scheduled around June 8th but was surprised to hear I had not received the notice. She also told me that the case had gone to a "pile" waiting for FP results. So she asked me to wait 2 more weeks and call back if I don\'t receive it.
Now I am a little worried by your comment that if FP result is not received on time, the case will be considered abandoned!!?
What could be the deadline for my case? Is it 3 months from when the FP is originally scheduled? Please respond with details from your case.
I might even call back in one week..
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I will post details on my case tonight as I do not have them with me right now.
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XRX, what is your PD/Category ?? I spoke to the IIO today. My PD is 11/98 EB3 and she said that they do not send fingerprinting notices for people whose dates are not current. So I told her that last time the IIO said that fingerprinting notices are sent irrespective of priority date. She told me that they changed the rule this month. I have still not recvd. FP notice. What am I supposed to do ??
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Just Talked to IIO , she was nice and polite. She checked my case and said they should start processing my case in about two weeks. She said they received my finger printing on July 25th from FBI. She ays I should here from them in approximately 1 month. She also said they are processing cases with notice date on or before July 15th.

My details are
ND Aug 13th 99
FP JUNE 01 2000.
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It\'s not true that you will not get the FP notice if your PD is not current
I recvd my FP noitce on Aug 5th eventhough my PD is not current at this time
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I have no idea as to what the relationship is between PD and FP. My PD is feb 98, EB2, RD July 99, and ND Aug 4, 1999.
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Ok this is was my FP notice says.

ND May 10, 2000

7 day period beginning 06/02/2000

Then it says:

If you cannot go to the INS ASC during your scheduled 7-day period, you may go any Wednesaday, as long as you have your fingerprints taken by 8/28/2000. If you do not have them taken within that period, your application may be considered abandoned pursuant to 8CFR103.2(b)(13) and your application will be denied.

Then it goes on with usual what all papers to bring.

This is where I got really upset with my lawyers, as if I had not called the INS I would not have received this notice. Someone screwed up, The INS, the Postal Service, or the LAwyer.. fact is that I would have had to pay the cost.

Hope this helps. If I were you, I would call the INS again and make sure that you are reaching the end of the so called period.

I would also speak to a lawyer, of course in my case they could not give a damn.
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Thanks xrx,
 That was helpful as I have to get the ball rolling. Looks like they wait 12 weeks from the start of the period before they abandon the case.
The IIO told me to call back in 2 weeks if I don\'t receive by then.
My Fp was supposed to have been scheduled for June 8th which means I have around 4 more weeks to go before they abandon my case. However, since I have spoken to a IIO, you would think they make note of it instead of blindly pursuing the "process" and abandoning it. This is another nightmare!
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Well I hope the IIO you spoke to was helpful as the one I did. She infact even highlighted sections of my FP notice, making sure that I do not miss my dates. If you are doubtful, then I suggest call again. I got my FP done today. Lets see what happens now.