FP received by VSC within 48 hours!!


Registered Users (C)
I did FP on 02/12 in Newark and the result is received by VSC on 02/14 according to AVM!
Same is my wife\'s.

One more last thing ..... yahoo
ric - Did it say \'process resumed\'?

I did my FP on the same day at Newark
MD: 8/31/01
RD: 9/4/01
ND: 11/6/01
FP: 2/12/02

It says "FP received, processing resumed ....".
I checked AVM yesterday night at 11pm, nothing changed.
But when I checked it this early morning, it says "... received,
... resumed".

This is an evidence that AVM is changed on or after midnight,
which is a standard of database update and backup in IT industry.
We did our FP in VA on Feb. 12 and message changed to results recd and processing resumed on feb 13t

ric - 2 ques

ques1: did you go for your FP at Newark?
ques 2: did you and your wife go for manual FP or Computerized FP? And does this matter?

here is my insight!

Manual Processes: Has ONLY Cons!
  a) It is taken on a papar, so it could be lost
  b) the paper needs to be sanned into the computers, means
     it could be rejected and once might have to redo the FP.
  c) this complete process takes about .5 - 1.5 months

on the other hand, Computerized process: has only Pros
  a) you directly take images onto the computer, and it tells
     if the scan was \'pass\' or \'fail\'. you repeat thill you get pass.
  b) the results are transfer anywhere between 48 hrs - 2 months.

NOTE: I know may peoples who did manual FP\'s without any problem, it just takes a litte longer to get the results.

hope this information helps you
ric-what receipt no did you query VSC\'s automated service with - A # or 485 Receipt EAC# or FP Noti

How to do FP?

How do I request FP to be computerized? Do they give you choice when you go to FP?

Many thanks!

Hi, Beerbelly: Do you mean that you just go in and however the officers do it is their choice?