FP question


Registered Users (C)
Hello Gurus,
How long does the INS take to update their system after the FP is sent to them by FBI, and if the FP is rejected for some reason , do they inform you by mail or you have to call them ??

Please advise
agni - Check the AVM after 7 - 10 days after you finished your FP. It must be changed by then. Else call FBI/TSC to know the status. Unfortunately, they do not send you any information in case your FP had problems.
I have a similar query. I did my FP on sat, 1/11/03 in Dallas (Northwest Highway). Called FBI the following thursday and the kind officer told me that they processed the FP on the same day (i.e. 1/11) and forwarded it back to INS.

The AVM nor the website msg has changed...I get the same old msg.."your 1485 was received.....taking 725 to 775 days".

Is the FBI FP results transmitted to the INS electornically or is it via snail mail??? does anyone know. If it it electronically done, then they should have it....I feel that it has to be via snail mail.. if thats the case, then someone needs to process the mail they get in order for the AVM and the website to be updated...

I called INS yesterday to find out more info, but the great TSC had their computers down. Told me to call back... like its easy to get through :)

Anyways, Please share your thoughts. Should we be worried that this info is not being reflected on the AVM and website

Thanks bajis,

I called FBI and they told me that everything was ok and they forwarded the results to INS..

I guess I will give it one more week before I get worried...

thanks again
Hi Hopeful0820

Here is the number that I called... 304-625-5590 option 4. There are very nice and you get a response really fast. No holding like the INS. All they will ask you for is ur A#. So make sure that you have that handy.

When I Called, he asked me for my A number and once I gave it to him, he confirmed my name and then told me when I went to do my FP and when they processed the information and send it back to INS. In my case, I did my FP on 1/11 and the FBI guy told me that they received it on the same day, processed it and send it back the INS.

Its amazing how fast they processed..... Not used to this speed with TSC :)

Please let us know if ur AVM or website refelects the fact that ur FP has been received by INS

Good Luck

Thanks for your info. I called FBI two days ago. The lady told me that they processed our FPs on 1/21 (same day we did the FP) and sent back to INS. However, since we did FP in California, she said the FP was sent to CSC and they would forward it to TSC.

Our AVM and online status have NOT updated yet. I am wondering if I should call TSC to check. Did you do that?

Yes I did call TSC a couple of times but they said that the system did not show that they received the FP.

The officers also told me that even if the system does not show that they received the FP, that does not mean that they did not get it. It could be that the AVM and the website did not get updated.

I dont know how true that is but lets just hope that she is right about the fact that even if they get it, it is not necessary that it will reflect on the AVM and website

Hello Guys,
I was able to talk to a really nice IIO two days back , when i gave her my SRC number she said that her system did not show any update , and when i told her that i had completed my FP 15 days back and had confirmed with the FBI that they had sent back my FP to INS she told me to hold on , and checked something on her system , when she came back she told me that i was right and they had indeed recvd my FP and that it was updated at the Central Database but not in the Local database and she said to give it a few daysand that the local database should also be updated and once that is done the AVM and online will automatically update .
Thank agni. Thanks for sharing that information with us.

I hope that is the case and once the local database is update, shows up on the website and changes the AVM.
Fp Updation in system

I did my FP on Jan 21st and still not updated in the system, I called FBI, they sent the results on the same day. I think they electronically transfer it to TSC, but TSC has to process the file and update their system.

We are very much bothered about this, but TSC is not bothered at all. When ever they are free from other work, they take time to do this. They may merge all cases once in a while and update their system. Most of the work they do is like this, they are not automated nor they update it everyday, they pile up things and do once and switch to something else.

Right now they are processing something called TPS cases, once they are done with it, they are going to get back to 485 stuffs, until then you will not see any approvals, once they decide to work on it, they take, may be three months worth of cases and process it and again go back and work on something else.

this is the pattern, my Guess


What SRC numbers is TSC sending fingerpriting notices for? Also, once the FP is done, how long does it take for TSC to approve the case?

I would be very grateful if you'll could kindly answer the two questions above.

Thank you


phone number to call FBI

Does anyone have the phone number to call FBI to check on the status/results of FP done in Miami.

Is it the same number : 304-625-5590 option 4 or is there a different number for Miami?

Hi Guys,

As per my theory, the FP results are updated today in TSC system.
One person posted that his FP results are updated in TSC system today, so I tracked with my SRC number, I did my FP on Jan 21st. Surprisingly I found that my FP results are received by TSC and updated in the system.

Those who have recently done their FP Track it Guys, Good Luck.

FYI: The FBI usually sends the FP result on Same day, I think the TSC takes time to update the system. So Instead of calling FBI, the best think is to monitor your Online tracking, even if you call TSC they will say what ever it is in your online sytem.