FP Question


Registered Users (C)
We did our finger prints on 03/22. Today, when I called FBI I was told that they have not received our FP\'s from INS. Is this Normal?
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yes, same thing with me, I did mine on 03/21/01 and the next day
I called, at FBI they said they haven\'t received, so I asked them
that should I leave a couple of days and check back, they said yes,
so call after few days.
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Give it a week\'s time. Some centers clear it right away (like mine at Newrk, NJ) and others which might take a week or more.
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I just called FBI regarding my FP results (FP done in Oakland, CA on 03/22/2001) and I was told that they received them, processed and sent the results to INS on 03/26/01. They decline to comment on the results. They ask me to contact INS for the result.
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My wife just called FBI regarding our FP results (FP done in Oakland, CA on 03/22/2001) and she was told that they received them, processed and sent the results to INS California.

Why would they send the result to CSC when our case is getting processed in VSC?

Does anyone know a way to resolve this mess created by FBI?

Appreciate any help
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Geez. Relax folks. Give it a little time. For one thing, it took my FP 1 week to reach FBI. The good news was that FBI responded within 1 day. But the bad news is ..... so what? You still have a long wait to endure. So buckle down and ride the coaster from hell for a while. Because if you can\'t stomach waiting for a week after fingerprinting, you are in for ulcers by the time this process is over (if you don\'t already have them :)
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Do you know how long does it take after the fingerprint? Here are my details:

PD : 05/1998
RD : 09/16/99
ND : 10/01/99
FP : 03/22/01

Thanks for your help,
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Try1. I know that they are currently processing NDs from Sept/Oct 1999, for EB2s. I think for EB3s, the date I\'ve seen is ND-July/2000. So, you should be close. (I know........close is not good enough)