FP notice


Registered Users (C)
I received FP notice scheduled for 4/13/04.
Can go earlier, this Saturday for example?
I just want to end up with it as soon as possible.

My details:
RD 07/20/02
FP1 09/02
Originally posted by Aurora
I received FP notice scheduled for 4/13/04.
Can go earlier, this Saturday for example?
I just want to end up with it as soon as possible.

My details:
RD 07/20/02
FP1 09/02

yes u can, but yiu have to show valid cause for the early fp
on whether you can go early..that depends on individual offices i suppose...my wife got her notice later than I did.When I had my fingerprinting done,i asked them whether she has to wait till the scheduled date...the reply I got was as long as she has the fingerprinting notice,she can come in early...we did that and had no problems.
This was at Albany,we went on a Wednesday ...which is the day listed on our notice if you can't make the scheduled date

Long story short..give it a shot,you have nothing much to lose
My second FP was scheduled for April 10th 2004 at manchester,NH office. I did early FP two days back.
I work in california as well, but to avoid any further confusion, I went to manchester office on this wednesday and got it done.
No questions asked.

RD -May 5 2002
ND - May 10 2002
FP1 - July 2002
Fp2 - Mar 10 2004
Thank you guys for your input.
I will make an attempt tomorrow, on Saturday (in Boston).
I will tell you the result.
Here is my update:
On Saturday my son and me went to Boston USCIS office and had finger prints done.
It was exactly one month earlier than scheduled. No questions asked!
So, when we will be approved?

RD July 2002
FP1 Sep.2002
FP2 March 2004