FP notice received

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What\'s your WAC series.
As my RD & ND dates are more or less same as yours & WAC-01-125-xxxxxx.
I don\'t have any correspondence from INS so far regarding Finger prints.
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My RD is 03/02/01 and ND is 03/27/01 and I
received the notice on 04/03/01. From your post
it sounds like INS is issuing FP notices within
1 month of ND date. Is that correct? Anyone else
with the same experience??

Apka Mitr
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Hi Ybcheryl and others,

What does the finger print notice has. I was told that we can go to finger printing with in two months from the actual scheduled date.
We have to go on the same day(we might be sick) the DAY they specify on the FP card.

Please clarify.
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sameer c,
We (for myself & my wife) got the FP notice by "Snail Mail" to our home address; Attorney gets the Courtesy Copy; Attorney also sent us a note of confirmation, about the receipt;