FP notice received


New Member
I just received my FP notice. Here is my detail: PD 5/97, RD 3/31/00, ND 4/3/00, EB2, China.
I was shocked when I got it, because lots of people on this board were talking that the INS stopped
sending out FP notice to Indian and Chinese. And I also noticed lots of people with Oct. ND
had not received yet. I believe that I am not the only lucky one, the INS is moving at full speed.
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You should not forget that your priority date is very old. Even with the anticipated priority date regrosession (which is likely in the next couple of months) you are likely to remain current. After the priorities dates go back, INS has no other way but to approve cases based on PD because people with very old priority dates have their I-485 NDs all the way till September 2000 or later (yours is one such case). This is the reason why you received FP.
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I didn\'t understand this bharat. Does it mean that now FP notices are being sent on the basis of PD and not on the basis of ND.

My details:
PD 10/96 EB3
ND 10/99
RD 10/99
No FP yet.
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another guess is that they forgot check your Country, because I see several posts with country-other and ND around march get FP
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I got my FP notice, and I have to go in October middle, some people told me that I can go for FP in a earlier date that October middle. Can I do that?
if that happens will my process get faster
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I don\'t know if it works that way. My details EB3 India; PD 08/96; RD 11/99; ND 11/99; No FP Yet
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  Maybe they forgot to check ur country. Or maybe ur spouse\'s
country of birth was not mainland China, or maybe u were
the lucky one, to win the INS\'s sweepstakes

good luck
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I guess INS trying to clean up cases before 7/99. But a well-trained INS staff mistakenly send out FP for 4/00, thinking it is 4/99.
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Hi! All. I don\'t think it is a mistake, because I saw someone with ND later than mine also got FP notice.
You can check the tracklist or read some most recent post. Something is going on, though I don\'t what it is.