FP notice received, ciba, please update


Registered Users (C)
Just got the FP notice in the mail from CSC today.

Case details:
PD: 10/99
ND: 2/15/01 (WAC-01-106-XXXXX)
FP: scheduled on 5/5/01 but I am going to try this weekend
San Jose INS

Does anyone know how early should I arrrive there? Any suggestion?
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Thanks for the update and good luck for your finger prints
this weekend.

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If you go to San Jose ASC for special service (FP before scheduled date or FBI issues), be sure to go there LATE instead of early.

When there are many people waiting for FP, they will very likely deny your request.

Avoid the crowd, that\'s it.
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Hi, GC99:
Would you please post your experience after you go for FP in San Jose? I am in the same situation. Since my spouse has not got her FP notice, I am going to try later. Thank you very much.
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They open Tues - Sat. 8:00AM - 4:00PM, it\'s actually Application Service Center, not INS office. But I know INS office do open on Saturday itself. Check their homepage from this website\'s link.
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Did you do this ((FP before scheduled date) in SJ ASC? Any experience to share? How LATE is late? 2:00pm, 3:eek:opm, 3:30pm?

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If you go through old FP-related postings in this board,
you will see many people already did it.

Because people consider the FP as an important event for their applications,
they incline to go to ASC early.

San Jose ASC looks like a small ordinary shop.
You can snoop from outside to see how many people are waiting inside.
Usually it will become quite empty after 2PM.

It is a common sense/courtesy:
If you need someone to do some extra work for you (and it\'s not so urgent),
don\'t ask him when he is still busy.
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Could you please share your experience after that? My schedule is 5/5, but plan to do it this weekend?
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My FP appt is on 5/3/01. I went to ASC san jose office at 2:00pm today to try my luck. Big crowd there, 30 people I guess, so I was denied. :(