FP Notice for Detroit (02/2001 to 05/2001)


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Hi Guys:

It is so unlucky to file the I-485 during this period since the computerized FP notice started this MAY. Obviously we are left behind
and INS began to notice this problem and issue several FP notice for
people with ND on March and April.

Let\'s us track down the progress here in this board. I initiated one
board on "FP Notice Info." with 139 message there. If you need more
information there, go and have a look. Keep this board rolling and provide
your every possible insight.

Its not only Detroit


It is not only Detroit. I am from Portland,OR with RD/ND at March 01. I am still waiting for FP. After talking to IIOs, only conclusion I came is that some files of RD from Jan 01 to April 01 has been left behind. Key is that these files needs to get assigned to some officer & when he realises that FPs needs to be done, then only FP notices will be issued.

Any thoughts?

RD: 01/15/01 ND:02/06/01

RD: 01/15/01 ND:02/06/01

FP was issued in June and was done on July 31st. Thanks God!
RD 01/01, ND 02/01 No FP Yet ......

I\'m from Chicago but my lawyer is in Detroit, may be I\'m considered Detroitan as well and that\'s the reason for the delay. Ironic, huh ...

EB3 PD:01/98 ; RD 04/04 ; ND 04/20 Detroit. Waiting for FP.
    I spoke to an immigration office last evening about my finger prints and she told me that they are working on Oct 2000 cases and it should take about a month or 2 to get my FP notice.
R.D.: 03/01 FP notice recvd.

R.D. : 03/01
N.D. : 03/01
F.P. : Received 23 Nov
       For : 20 Dec
Place: Detroit.

 What did I do different ??? I do not know. I contacted my
 lawyer and they had initiated an enquiry on my behalf.
 I do not know if that effected the process or not.
 But for it is worth, that is all the information.
in Detroit... finally recieved FP....

RD:04/02/2001, ND:04/17/2001, FP RECVD:12/10/2001 for 1/11/2002

I guess everyone will recieve theirs too pretty soon...
good luck!

Thanks 485 Detroit.

Hi, Buddy:

Thanks a lot for your care. I saw a couple of guys with ND 04/17 got the notice. But I still have not so much luck. I asked my lawyer to file an enquiry. After so long waiting, kind of get used to it. Hope you have a smooth approval soon. I will post my info. as soon as I got it.

Thanks and take care.
FP received in Detroit

ND 04/17 ,FP received 12/11/01. I think everyone in Feb to May 01 period will get it pretty soon.Good luck to everybody.