FP Messages. Is VSC processing very fast....?


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Hello Folks,

FP done 01/03/02
VSC AVM Msg : "Received ur FP on 01/15/02 and pending FP..." something similar to this..
VSC AVM Msg : "FP Completed on 01/18/02. Processing resummed.." something similar to this...

Just in 3 days changed AVM from "pending.." to "resumed..".

Does this mean VSC is processing fast....?

What do you guys think about this....?
No. They are sleeping!!!!!!! FP stuff is done by computer which does not sleep

No Title

if thats fast, thats a god news. it took 17 days (dec 28 - jan 14) for my msg to chg to processing resumed. lets see.
same for me too!

The gap between FP to the AVM changing to "FP review results received and processing resumed" was 6 days! Donno what this means though?! (Can I expect approval in less then 2 months?)
ND 09/21/01, RD 07/31/01.