FP long waiters, please post here if ND < = Jan. 31

Tried fax enquiry twice ,also went to local INS-but no help

Spoke to IIO,she says FP ordered in Nov.will be there any day.
This was 3 months back.The wait is getting frustrating now.
Do you have the fax no and the letter template to fax

Is it required that the lawyer should fax or can you also fax?
Actually, my lawyer talked to IIO about my FP notice over the phone. I called it my first inquiry, t

Waiting for FP Notice - RD July 3 2001

rk73 & others,

My RD is July 3 2001, ND is August 23 2001 and PD is March 2000 from Phoenix (WAC-01-265-XXXXX) . We still haven\'t recd the FP Notice. My lawyers have constantly faxed inquiries and once when we spoke to an IIO in conference, she said there\'s nothing wrong with our case and that they are aware of the problem and told us not to call again as it may affect the case negatively. They had a log of all faxes, inquiries etc. The AVM still says the same thing "...case has been received...". Next month is going to be my on one year wait for FP Notice.

My attorneys have faxed another inquirey last week to the DIV I at CSC. Haven\'t heard anything from them yet. Am tempted to go to the local INS office and talk to the folks out there and see if they can print or schedule a FP Notice. Does anyone have any experience with the Phoenix local INS in such a scenario?

Any suggestions/advice/actions needed in this situation would be highly useful?

No, not yet.

What do I need to do. Should I call the IIO, what response should I expect? Can the IIO print a duplicate FP notice for me and send it to me.
The same old reply

I called the IIO and was told that we are processing 04/01/01 cases.
I told her I am only asking for FP notice and she kept on saying the same thing. After couple of tries I thought it\'s not gonna help and told her thank you.
But there is no harm in trying because based on other responses on this site I think some of the people were told that it has has been ordered.

Good Luck
I did followup with the stupid attorney

I followed up with my attorney but he gave me the usual crapy answer:
.... every case is unique and there are rules that he must follow including waiting a certain amount of time .....bla bla bla…..
So it didn’t work.
I guess I don’t have any choice but waiting.
Is it authentic that I can do the inquiry if it is >120 days?
vaishali101, I did my FP on 06/07, San Diego, Sep RD ND

FP received: 05/11/02 (after 8 months from ND)
FP scheduled(done): 06/07/02
I didn\'t go early FP. But when I asked them, they said that it depends on the work load. Looks like it is very flexible.
Sent FP inquiry fax twice no reply yet. ND 09/27/01 wac-01-295-xxxx

I sent fax for FP inquiry twice.San Diego Area.nothing yet