FP for June RD?


Registered Users (C)
I see from infitime.com that there are two entries for FP(Mike and MS2001) with June RD. Is VSC already doing FP for June RDs? Are there any more June RDs with FP notices?
when FP?

I am sure you guys haven\'t received letters yet. But please post when you know the dates you have been asked to go for finger printing. thanks
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I have not received the letter yet. I will post the details as soon as I got the letter
Hi, Jimz!

Where have you been these days, nice to see you again and wanna let you know that the website you made for all the stuff is really useful!

The new of FP notice is really great, isn\'t it?
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Hello ShanXin, nice to see you again too :) I am very well with exception of a bit of headache over greed card. Now is time to worry about finger prints, isn\'t it? Thank you for the nice words

Good time to start new discussion "Lets track fingerprint...."

Hi JimZ/ShanXin,

Your earlier discussion "Lets track receipt....." was very helpful. Maybe nows the time to start similar discussion for fingerprinting.

What do you think?

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Guys, come to \'Let\'s track FP > May\'. After we corporated in the tracking list of receipt of I485, we are gonna have a real list of FP notice. Guys, we are gonna be together!

Come along!