FP done on 3/24 at CSC


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I went for my FP on 3/24. My FP notice date was for that day.When I got there at 7:35 a.m, there was a line. I waited and they opened doors around 7:50 a.m. I had my passport and DL as photo ID and then when I got in I showed my passport to the guy at the desk. There was a little delay as the guy did not know what number on my passport to consider for ID. When I saw him confused , I gave him my DL which actually expired on 7/00. He asked me if I have another DL and I told him I have the paper which shows the extension until 5/01. He then took my paper to a supervisor who had to initial it and then I was asked to fill out form like everyone else and wait for my turn.
When my turn came up, I could sense the girl who did my FP was being trained as there was another person watching her from behind. I made sure that she was typing in the correct A # and then I left with the receipt.

I intend to wait for a week before calling FBI. Should I call FBI now and the INS after a week ?? What is the process ??

Pls advise !
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I called the FBI this morning and was told that they received my fingerprints and that they have sent it to the INS.
She would\'t tell me that they were clear or accepted. All she could tell was that they received it and have sent it to the INS.

What do I do next ?? Do I need to call INS ??
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I also got the same reply from FBI?

What shall we conclude? Is the FP recd in good quality and accepted by FBI?

Any comments from the people who underwent this?
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Don\'t worry. Thats the standard message. FBI will only tell you whether the prints are of good quality or not and they forward the results to INS. FBI won\'t give you the search results of their database and neither would INS.
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Hi Guys,

Looks like I-485 approvals are moving along. That is good news for us.

Let\'s keep this discussion group active for all whose ND is 12/00 and FP done 3/01.

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Want to keep this list active..since all of us went for FP same day...if any of you get approved ...pls post to this discussion thread.
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I also went for FP on the 3/23 and my results were sent to INS from FBI on 3/25. I don\'t know how much time its going to take from now. Hope it should come through before April 30th as INS would start piling up more cases because of 245i.
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How many of you actually called IIO (not FBI) to confirm that they received FP from FBI ???

Does calling IIO affect the case ?
My lawyer recommends "not" to talk to anyone personally

Any advice ??
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Hey Guys,

Pls respond....I am confused...should I talk to IIO about whether FP was received or not ??

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If FBI confirms that your finger print results have been sent
to INS, you can safely assume that they reach to CSC
smoothly. There is no need to call CSC.

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Can\'t you people just relax and wait just like everybody else? Didn\'t you get it so far that YOU HAVE NO INFLUENCE OVER HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR INS TO PROCESS YOUR CASE!!! I am really fed up with seeing these e-mails about calling IIO\'s about every stupid thing that comes to one\'s mind. No wonder it is taking them forever to process our cases and they are frustrated and rude to us on the phone. I would be rude too if they call me 1000 times a day to investigate about status of their FP\'S!!! PLEASE LEAVE THOS LINES OPEN FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE FACING SERIOUS ISSUES!!!

I have personally never called IIO. (I485 ND is 11/01/2000 PD Dec. \'96)
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Hey Maja and Kevin ....relax...everyone handles their stress differently you know....some people like Maja just wait quietly...for some others...they need to do SOMETHING to feel better with the waiting time and so they call.
As long as it doesn\'t affect your case in any way and if you have the time, I would say go ahead and call.

In my case, I did not feel the urge to call but I wanted to make sure I wasn\'t being stupid enough, not to do something that I SHOULD be doing !!!

In my case, I am NOT going to call.
Thanks Ciba , kevin, and Maja :)
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where do you get the idea it is because of the calls slow down the processing? get some common sense. the ones who answer your phone will never be able to lay a finger on your case. oh, yeah, they are frustrated and more frustrated than us!! come on, you want to wait , you wait, i like to spend my time call, i call. what the hell is wrong with you? if you feel you deserve your share and you don\'t like others take your share, you go ahead and call, nobody will complain since you are the only one who complaines about it here. I can\'t believe this!! those who answer your phone will never be able to resolve any serious issues for you. if you have serious issues, better talk to your lawyer. Face it, whether your FP is in the system probably
is the most serious issuse those IIOs can resolve!!!
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Kevin...I understand what you are saying...what I don\'t understand is why my lawyers advise me not to call and talk to an officer personally "as this may affect your case adversely" !

In fact when I told the HR lady who also happens to be my friend , that I called FBI to check if my FP was OK, she told me she has never hear of anyone doing that and was surprised and concerned !!

Anyway good luck...I see that my ND and FP date are close to yours ..hopefully we will get approval soon.