FP Done, now what?


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Went on the 19th to get my FP. Nothing eventful. One change I observed since my green card days is that they seemed to have their act together.

They gave me an appointment for 3 pm. I reached at 2:15. I was anticipating a lot of traffic but encountered none and hence was early. There was almost no one at the center. I mentioned that I was early, and they said no problem and proceeded to take my finger prints. Was over in 15 minutes. Then a qulality control person came and checked the prints after which I was out of there.

So now whats next? Is there a way to check if all went well? Whats the next step?

1. wait a couple of days, then Call FBI to make sure that they send the result to USCIS.
2. then wait for the interview letter
I got my fingerprints taken on 8/25/05 and received my interview notice letter somewhere towards the end of October. You will probably be playing the waiting game for a while. Be patient, and it will be here before you know it. Good luck, and I wish you the best.