FP clearance time


Registered Users (C)
How much time does it take for the FP to clear from FBI and to reach USCIS from the date of FP ? Please share.
FBI processes the fingerprints and returns the results back to USCIS on the same day they receive them. You can call FBI at 304-625-5590 and enquire about the processing of your fingerprints. You will need to tell them your A#, which can be found on your fingerprinting notice. Normally people call FBI on the next business day after they did the fingerprinting and most likely FBI will respond that they have processed and send the results back to USCIS. However your online message would change at a later date (a week to 10 days), probably when it is included in the "now and then" USCIS online system batch updates. It is also possible that your online message will never change to "Fingerprint results received" as many members of this forum have experienced.
Another question

Do they do paper and ink type finger printing or directly scanned by some elctronic device ? Thank you (apologies if this is a stupid question)
Depends on what is available at your local ASC (Application Support Center). In most cases there will be electronic scaning machines and your FP will be captured and send to FBI automatically in electronic format. If for any reason the device can not produce a readable scan of your FP, then you will be asked to give FP with ink on paper.


If you see this message:
On October xx, 2003, the results of your fingerprint review for your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status were received, and processing has resumed on your case. We will mail you a notice if further action is needed, or when a decision is made.

Do you still need to cal FBI and check status or your Finger Print is okay ?

Re: FingerPrint


That means they received it and no need to call FBI.

Please share if your was ink or electronic printing and how many days after it updated. Thanks


It took about two weeks to Change online message.

RD June 2002
FP Sept 2003

need FBI Phone number

Could I get the FBI phone number to enquier the status.
I used to have it, but have lost it.
may01: Please read gingibi's reply in this thread for the FBI's number.

XieXie: Was your FP done with ink or electronically ?

Thank you
Thank you gingibi. The FP cleared and updated at CIS site way much faster than I ever imagined (updated in my signature below). Also, as you said: FBI cleared it the next day. It was electronic FP BTW.