FP at Newark


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My wife and I had our fp done at Newark late July...I spoke with the FBI officer at 304-625-5590 number. The officer indicated that they have finished processing of the prints and sent the results to the INS center.

He was not willing to give out the results over the phone. How do I know if the prints were ok? He also mentioned that they were able to work with the prints and that FBI did not reject them. Can I assume that the prints were ok? Is there any result status other that accept/reject in the finger printing?

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One way: Since the FPing process is presumably to check if you have a criminal background, you could call the FBI again and select another option in their phone tree which would tell you if you had a criminal background or not.

BTW, did you get the idea that the FBI got your FP records from Newark electronically or manually ?
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Our FP was done on July 26th at Newark. My wife called the FBI today, and the official told her that it was received on July 31st and sent to VSC the same day. So looks like it is not electronic.