format of nonavailability certificate


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   We got rfe for birth certificates.I was born in a village in india and the place of birth in my passport is that village.Now the question is where from i should i get the nonavailability certificate ?from the local panchayat or from the corresponding municipality?.If anybody has any idea please post the reply.

I also got the RFE for same

My lawyer gave me some samples of non-availability of birth certificates. There is no formal format for this from INS.
My brother at my birthplace checked with the office of registration of birth/death and found that they do issue this certificate and have their own format.

Ask your lawyer to give you a sample.

It contains the info like : your name, parents name and says that there is no record of birth registration available for the person, because it was not mandatory at that time (or there was no system to register birth at that time).

Good luck.