Form N-400, Section 10 Part D


New Member
I was looking at the naturalization form as I'll be able to apply in a few months and got to Part D of Section 10, Good Moral Character. I was given a citation a month ago for using a fake ID to try and get in to a bar. It was probably the dumbest choice I've ever made, but I have to live with it. The officer told me that he could have charged me with a criminal offense but decided to give me a civil citation instead. From my understanding this is similar to a traffic ticket. I have to go to court and will probably pay a fine (no more than $500) and/or get community service.

How do I answer questions 17 and 18? I don't think this is really something you get "convicted" for. And if I only get a fine, how do I answer question 19?

God I wish I could turn back time and tell myself not to be an idiot.
what is the violation code on the citation and which state are you in? Also, how is your violation qualified on the ticket? Misdemeanor/Infaction?
It says it's "in violation of Md. Ann. Code", CR Section 10 Sub Section 115. There's a box for "Municipal Infraction" next to "Md. Ann. Code" but that's not the one he checked.
Until you go to the court, 17- yes, 18-no. If you found guilty in the court, then 18 - yes. If innocent or deferred judgement or any other delay - no.

The issue is that IO may want to see this violation fully addressed (and paid if applicable) by the court before you get approval.