Form I-9 ??


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Hi Guys,

I wanted some information regarding Form I-9, what exactly is this form ? any input would be appreciated.

How does this work?

Who has to file I-9? is it employee or the Employer? When this need to be filed?Can anyone throw more light on this please???

The employer fills form I-9. Once you get your EAD give a photo copy to your HR department. They should then go ahead and fill form I-9. Your responsibility is to show that you have authorization to work (by getting the EAD) and it the employer's responsibility to show that he is hiring legal aliens (by filling form I-9).
Thanks GcFastTrack. Great useful info. You said it is the responsibility of the employer to fill the form I-9. Do you mean he has to fill and send it to INS? why I am asking because, my employer is not that good when it comes to immigration stuff. We have to tell them what to do and then he does.I appreciate if you clarify this.

Kamal_h, here is the link for the I9 form on the INS site.

The I-9 form is not filed with the INS. The form must be available for inspection by the authorized U.S. Government officials (i.e., INS, Department of Labor) hence has to be filled by the employer and kept with his employee records.

If there was an audit and your employer did not have a I9 for you he would be the one getting into trouble and not you. Nevertheless if you want to help him out fill the form and give it to him.

Hope this info helps.

Thanks for your info. It is not only useful but very clear. You did a great job on that. People like you keep this forum alive. Lets hope we all will benefit from each other by sharing the information.
