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Forgot to tick boxes what to do?


Registered Users (C)
Hi all just found this forum

I would be really greatful if you could give me your advice and experiance on this.

I won the lottery 2007 and received my documents back in May i filled out the forms and sent them straight back to KCC. In my excitment I forgot to tick a few boxes on DS-230 Part II form. I ticked all the main ones ie im not a criminal etc just missed a few at the end. anyway i will have to bring that form to the embassy with me if i get an interview. This is what i forgot

Q33a, I ticked yes first and then gave my ssn number that i had obtained from a previous visit to the US. I didnt mark anything in the second yes no part in the same question.

Q33b, I did not tick yes or no to this question either

Q34, I also forgot to tick yes or no

I have not heard anything from KCC since. What is the best/proper course of action from here? Should i ring them and notify them of the mistakes or will they send it back to me?

When should i expect to hear from them about the interview? or is my application now in the bin? My number is in the european category and is in the mid 12 thousands ie 2007EU00012XXX. when can i expect my interview date to be if i get one?

I would really appreciate any thought advice

thanks very much
First, your number possibly will become current in May. You want to follow the US Governmen's visa bulletin (http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_1360.html) to see when your number will become current. When it comes to your number range or right before that you should hear something from KCC. In the mean time, for your other question, you should contact KCC. You can either e-mail them or call them..

Good Luck
Idiot said:
Hi all just found this forum

I would be really greatful if you could give me your advice and experiance on this.

I won the lottery 2007 and received my documents back in May i filled out the forms and sent them straight back to KCC. In my excitment I forgot to tick a few boxes on DS-230 Part II form. I ticked all the main ones ie im not a criminal etc just missed a few at the end. anyway i will have to bring that form to the embassy with me if i get an interview. This is what i forgot

Q33a, I ticked yes first and then gave my ssn number that i had obtained from a previous visit to the US. I didnt mark anything in the second yes no part in the same question.

Q33b, I did not tick yes or no to this question either

Q34, I also forgot to tick yes or no

I have not heard anything from KCC since. What is the best/proper course of action from here? Should i ring them and notify them of the mistakes or will they send it back to me?

When should i expect to hear from them about the interview? or is my application now in the bin? My number is in the european category and is in the mid 12 thousands ie 2007EU00012XXX. when can i expect my interview date to be if i get one?

I would really appreciate any thought advice

thanks very much

Concering not ticking some column,do contact KCC as soon as possible and make your complain...

Keep us posted on their response.

I hope this helps.