Foreign Born President of USA


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$ $ $ $ $ Foreign Born President of USA $ $ $ $ $

Today, the Austrian Emigre Arnold Schwarzenegger is the front runner for California governor. Soon he might be the Governor of California.

Then in the near future we might have first foreign born US president, Mr.Edison , I know obviously we need constitutional amendment for this to happen.

Only the immigrant can understand the feeling of other immigrants. So my first Presidential Order would be addressing US elections issue, even non-citizens can contest elections in USA for US Senate, US House, State Senate, State House,......... and non-citizens can be employed by government organizations. But still you need work authorization from BCIS to contest elections and to work for goverment organizations.
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also while you are at it, can you promise to deport BCIS officials if they take more than 6 months on your cases?
Originally posted by yoda
also while you are at it, can you promise to deport BCIS officials if they take more than 6 months on your cases?

No, you cannot deport US citizens. However, you can send them to Guantanamo Bay without charge for 3 years, strip them of all constitutional protections, try them before a military tribunal and then have them shot at dawn by firing squad.

Good enough? ;)
Originally posted by TheRealCanadian
No, you cannot deport US citizens. However, you can send them to Guantanamo Bay without charge for 3 years, strip them of all constitutional protections, try them before a military tribunal and then have them shot at dawn by firing squad.

Good enough? ;)

Sorry thats only if they have dark skin and/or foreign sounding names. Such "non-mainstream" people can be delcared as "enemy combatants" and be held without charges in places unknown for however long, without any legal rights or contact with an attorney until they are totally forgotten! But for the "regular" people they will be called in for a speedy inquiry and will be slapped on the wrist! ;)

I found it outrageous that they hold Jose Padilla for over a year with not even attorney privileges but gave John Walker Lind 15 years! He was literally caught with a smoking gun! Dont get me wrong both of them should be fried! 15 years??? Armed robbery gets you more than that!

BTW India will soon have a foreign born prime minister. Anyone who isnt pleased will sleep with the fishes! After all she is an Italian!
TheRealCanadian / yoda,
Request Granted: Executive order will be published to send Unproductive officers to Guantanamo Bay.

Michael Jackson Law will be signed. Per this law any legal US resident will have the right to change their color of their skin through surgery at government's expense. So no color discrimination.
Name Law: Every immigrant will be assigned new American name at POE. So no discrimination based on name.
Per pingpong02's suggestion, India will join US and will become its 51st state. So no foreign prime minister for India.
Hi Edison,
You seem to have a simple solution for vexed problems. No wonder your client likes you (and allows you to spend 8 hours on internet) :D
You can deport a naturalized citizen.

If the green card /citizenship is through fraud - then you may be stripped of the citizenship and deported in case you have dual citizenship. I remember that happened with a Polish(?) citizen who did not declare that he was a Nazi guard at a concentration camp. There is no statute of limitation in immigration fraud - common misconception is everything is well and fine once you get GC and citizenship.

This should not be very common though - it is unlikely we have a veteram Nazi guard among us.
Edison you think in a simplistic way. Thats why you cannot become a politician. Politician should have complex solutions to even simple problems and talk in a very very complicated way (which no one can understand) like Greenspan and Clinton.
Originally posted by dsatish
Hi Edison,
You seem to have a simple solution for vexed problems. No wonder your client likes you (and allows you to spend 8 hours on internet) :D

Just look at the time of most of my postings, Mostly of it after work hours.
Originally posted by abhi_01201
You can deport a naturalized citizen.

If the green card /citizenship is through fraud - then you may be stripped of the citizenship and deported in case you have dual citizenship. I remember that happened with a Polish(?) citizen who did not declare that he was a Nazi guard at a concentration camp. There is no statute of limitation in immigration fraud - common misconception is everything is well and fine once you get GC and citizenship.

This should not be very common though - it is unlikely we have a veteram Nazi guard among us.

Most of the Nazis if alive would be atleast 80+. I don't see any any 80+ here.
Originally posted by frantic
Edison you think in a simplistic way. Thats why you cannot become a politician. Politician should have complex solutions to even simple problems and talk in a very very complicated way (which no one can understand) like Greenspan and Clinton.

Politicians don't solve the problem which can be solved easily, so that they can give various solutions and survive politically.
Forget about a foreign born becoming president.

I bet if a non-Irish/non-British would ever become US president. US presidential History is evidence.
If I remain alive (which is highly unlike), I am willing to bet even till 3016. The reason being "Glass Ceiling" which we often tend to ignore.
If numbers and unity were a criteria, 3.5 out of 4 billion non-Irish and non British world populace would have some semblence of dominance in this world (barring an isolated case 1.1 billion chinese ruled autocracy).
Due to poulation growth in the next 50 years

USA will be a Hispanic nation while India will be a Islamic Nation.
India can't become the 51st state as US already has 52. Canada is obviously the 51st and Great Britain is the 52nd. I've never seen either country disagree with anything US says or does so why count them as independent countires?