Force BCIS to Speed Up the Procesing


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Hi All,

The fact that BCIS is taking more than 3 months to process the Nov'01 cases, is very worrisome. I don't know what prompts BCIS to improve the speed ? Since we don't have Vote power, the politicians here won't be taking up this issue seriously. But what we can hope is to put pressure on the Indian American politicial fund raisers and Indian Embassy and India Caucus members in the United States Congress to expedite the GreenCard processing. All of us should start writing to prominent Indian news papers like India Abroad (A division of because very frequently, i see this magazine publishing interviews with
prominent(powerful) Indian Americans and also American congressman who support the cuases of India and Indians. We should atleast try to influence the Editor and news correspondents of these magazines so that they will ask this question to the politicians when they meet them for Interviews.

Also if some one has any connections to top level people in Indian Embassy, that helps.

- satish.


Its a bitter truth that all the permanent immigrant aspirants from realise from this country (which ever country they are from )

Beggars cant be choosers .

The other day I was listening to a Radio show where the host obviously US Citizen was debating on providing voting County VOTING rights to Permanent Residents since they pay taxes( I agree even non immigrant visa holders pay)

The majority of the callers opposed it one reason or the other.

So my dear accept the process you can shout at the peak of your voce till you lose your vocal chords nothin is going to change here ...

ofcourse I guess would we have the same proactive nature if something of this sort happens to our own country men in our home countries???( forget about to immigrants!!!)

well think about it ..............

If you dont like quit and till then

Make hay while sun shines!!!
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I think dsatish has raised a valid point. We should try and raise this issue with the Congressmen and media. Worst case, things are gonna stay the same. And, NO, immigrants are not beggars. This country is what it is because of immigrants.
Hello SVSS,
What is your problem ? If you think that something may not work out, then don't do that. But what is the point in asking others not to do that ? Nothing can be achieved without a strong intent and
some effort. I am trying to bring awareness among people for the need to do something, how ever small it is. If we don't do anything, who else is going to do for us ? Don't think that BCIS will act better if the backlog increases. You should know that some of the Visas and some family based Greencards take many years to get approved. I don't want the employment based GC process go that way.
You seem to be an agent of a Desi Employer(who cherishes these delays so that our bondage with them is extended)

Even I agree with dsatish and mavishka. We all must do something about this. There is no harm in trying, right? You never know, the outcome could be surprising for everyone. Let's try out and hope for the best.
Here is my problem...

My Problem is your Hypocracy Mr dsatish....

Its not hard and fast rule that you apply GC and you should get the outcome in a fixed time.

I know its frustrating but trying too much sometimes backfires ..

similar to what Desi Employers have done to IT Consulting....

We are living in times where

1.Economy is Bad
2.Govt is not pro immigrant
3. High Security
4.High unemployment

What would happen if they start processing cases faster and the so called permanent residents fall back on the Govt for unemployment benefits!!!

So relax Timing is verything.I see so many congratulations around here for getting a Green card saying your a free bird.

I always think even if we get a green card things wont improve as you are imagining....

I always have my feet on Ground.................
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it is possible only if BCIS works in your backyard

Do not dream. It is always useless
Making our case known is like a double edged sword. On one hand we have a lot of citizens (this is prominent recently) who absolutely hate the immigrants as they think that the immigrants are stealing their jobs. On the other hand are the politicians who want the immigrant voters. So in my view if we make our case heard with the politicians, it would help a lot. We can start writing and calling these people so that the process speeds up.

But if we make our case across media, it might boomerang because of the current job situation.
A lot of times I heard that the policies of the INS/BCIS got improved because of lobbying by well known law offices like Sheela Murthy & Rajiv Khanna.
unless the root cause is understood properly we will continue to have same problem year after year.

The root cause of the problem is not US government, INS, BCIS or whatever. why should they leave everything else and hand out green cards to us ?

the root cause of the problem is third world countries with no job opportunities, the problem is theird world countries giganic population and very little resources because of which getting green card is very lucrative deal for theird worlder's that the problem.......nothing else. Now what are we doing to fix that problem before blaming BCIS for taking it so long to approve your Greencard.
I lived happily in Europe, when a US company wanted me to improve their future potential. Now I have invested three years of my and my wife's and childrens life and money in the US economy and I still don't know if I am allowed to stay. It seems very unfair to me.
This country is build on and of immigrants!!
How can one expect a change, if one doesn't take up a cause!

So many people today, are benefitting from AC21 clause , age-out cases, 7th year Ext., concurrent filing of I-140 & I-485 etc. Who would have thoght that INS would agree on 7th year extension or Ac21 ever. Weren't these an impossible thing to think about, just a few years ago!!

Infact, there must be some people who thought it sheer stupidity to even talk to INS about it. Others must have laughed and ignored the idea as being a sheer waste of time. But thanks to those people who took up the issue inspite of being laughted at and achieved what we thought was never possible.

Instead of discouraging people who come forward and give ideas or suggestions that may in future be beneficial to a whole lot of people, why not encourage them and even participate in the discussion. Afterall, NOTHING VENTURED NOTHING GAINED..........

GC is a real lenthy and stressful process for no reason at all. It could be a very short process if planned and managed propery. I never quite understood what INS have been doing since 1-2 years of filing I-485!! If it was a Phd, I would have understood. Same thing with FP. Why not fingerprint a person when he first enters the country, if the idea is to catch a criminal. Why wait till he applies for his GC!!

In my opinion, the best way to bring about any changes in the immigration, is to involve lawyers also. However, Unless we talk about those issues, how can we expect them to be heard!!!!!!


How many people in this thread will help 'the future immigrants' after they got theirs.

You are suggesting to change a system which U guys do not know entirely. Take FP at port of entry ... rediculus.

Some body said... Nothing wrong in trying... then

Stand at the shore of NY and try to jump across Atlantic..:D:D
Nothing wrong in trying.. If you can jump U can save air fare
ha ha ha ha

Think the possibility and do
U ae proved as an utter idiotic FOOOOOOOOOLs

I think that those who are born on American soil are Americans and not immigrants, and they should have the final say on who can immigrate. I agree, BCIS is slow, but that is because there are so many trying to get in this country and they are being selective as they should be.
Great write up from Rene2Ram. I fully agree with him until a few years ago most of the changes which were brought now were not even thought possible. With these changes whole lot of people are able to change jobs without losing their GC processing, people are able to get H1 extensions after 6 years. It was all possible because of good lobying I should say from the pro-immigrant folks. I think in US any thing can be changed by good lobying, even though it may take time.
I'm agree tooo

Lets move..........satish & all supporters are right..I respect all your thought...lets more talk....lets start now........

Tell me/us where to report....gimme me mailing address n email of these BIG men....



Look at it this way:
someone is going to make a decision to give us greencards.
"at the time of their choosing". sounds familiar? :)
Or maybe they'll make a decision not to give us greencards.
Again, at the time of their choosing . . .
This decision will not be made by "american people", US govt, political party, etc, etc.
We all think that this is very significant for our lives because we have families, jobs, investments, whatever.

When we invest something (money, time, etc) we have to understand risks. Moving to US was a risk for all of us. Now we are paying the price. And we'll continue to pay it for the rest of our lives. Those who didn't make a move are also paying the price. It is impossible to predict who will end up being better off.

The moral of the story is: understand and hedge your risks.
If you think you like america, american people, democracy, higher pay, or whatever the reason was for moving to US in the first place . . . you have to also understand that there will be things that you won't like.
Everything it great except those things that suck :)

But if you hedge your risks properly you should be all set either way.
For example:
They hired you because they needed you. You work for them because you want to. It's your choice. They are interested in keeping you, otherwise you'd be history already. If they loose you, they'll have to (at the minimum) find someone to replace you with (costs money), train them (costs money), wait for them to get up to speed (costs money), take a risk of not hiring the right person and having to repeat the process (costs money). If you go to a competitor they will be even in more trouble.
If you leave them on your own, you will be bound by some obligations. If you have to leave them because your GC is denied, you will have no obligations. It's their fault. They failed to ensure your successful employment with them. They didn't contribute enough money to the right compain or whatever. It's their system too. If it fails, they failed.
Go to a country of your choosing, start your own business. By now you know how to do your stuff and how to compete with your old company. Yes, the one that failed you. You can compete with them and win. Every sale you make is the one they didn't make. With your skills you'll be able to make it out there. It's tough but it's not that tough. If you can't make it then you didn't hedge properly and you need to learn the skills you need while you are still here.
Working is not just about making enough money to pay your bills. It's about getting the skills you need to be able to make it on your own if you have to. Then they'll have to keep you because it will be cheaper for them that way.

Another example:
My company has offices all around the world.
If i have to leave US for INS reasons, i'll just join the company in a different country (of my choosing) or even go to a competitor (of my choosing).

You may ask: what about kids, houses, cars, friends, etc?

The answer is: never put yourself in an uncomfortable position in the first place. Don't buy that house you want, that car you want, etc. Invest in your self instead, not in a system that was not invented to work for you in the first place. you are ideal system to invest in because you always work for yourself.

you may ask: why so pragmatic?
the answer is: when dealing with ignorance you have to be.
I'm not saying americans are ignorant, etc, etc. It's the system. The system is always ignorant.
The moment you have to go thru the system you have to deal with ignorance and therefore you have to become pragmatic.

And finally about doing "something". Doing something is a job. If you have extra time invest in yourself and you'll be all set either way. Doing "something" rarely works, unless you know what you are doing. Since none of you are professional lobbyists i don't think you guys (with all due respect) are on the right track here.