For those who got Green Card recenly


Registered Users (C)
My card has been approved recently and received my green card. It is surprised that I saw on my card "Resident since 05/23/2001". I thought that It should be "Resident since my approved date". Is there any policy change? Does that mean that I can start my citizenship processing on 05/23/2006 (after 5 years)? Anybody has the same situation. I hope that it is policy change which will shoot our citizenship processing and save lots of time. Thanks.
This is interesting...Certainly will help a lot of people like me who have waited for more than 3-4 years to get GC..... :rolleyes:
Yes, It is my priority date!!! I asked couple of friends around me. They showed dates which are approval dates but mine is priority date. I definately hope that It is policy change.

folk my pd is feb99 and i still have not got my gc...assuming i get it in the near future and going by the previous posts i should be eligible for citizenship as soon as i get the gc?? sounds strange, but holycow...nothing is impossible...... :)

pd feb 99
i 140 nd is jan 2003
i 140 ap is oct 2003
i 485 nd is july 16 2003
fp1 is 9.24.4
lud changes 10/4, 10/5, 10/18 and 10/19
my Priority date is May 98. So that means as soon as I get my GC I am ready to apply for citizenship?
is that what it means?
I don't think so
Many members have posted that they have received card with wrong DOB, Country etc.

Looks like mistake by USCIS.

sbwsoon said:
My card has been approved recently and received my green card. It is surprised that I saw on my card "Resident since 05/23/2001". I thought that It should be "Resident since my approved date". Is there any policy change? Does that mean that I can start my citizenship processing on 05/23/2006 (after 5 years)? Anybody has the same situation. I hope that it is policy change which will shoot our citizenship processing and save lots of time. Thanks.
usnycus said:
Many members have posted that they have received card with wrong DOB, Country etc.

Looks like mistake by USCIS.

But the first one that works in our Favour. I hope this is a Policy Chnage and not just a misktake. There are people that have been pushing for it for a lobg time
sbwsoon said:
My card has been approved recently and received my green card. It is surprised that I saw on my card "Resident since 05/23/2001". I thought that It should be "Resident since my approved date". Is there any policy change? Does that mean that I can start my citizenship processing on 05/23/2006 (after 5 years)? Anybody has the same situation. I hope that it is policy change which will shoot our citizenship processing and save lots of time. Thanks.
Any more recent cases to refute or confirm this?
Since my personal information is correct, I am not planning to call USCIS since I am not sure whether it is mistake or not. I have no time to check the new policy. I am assuming that they did right.
I too received my card yesterday and it has all my information correct including the resident since 10/13/04.

Ideally speaking, you are a legal permanent resident only from the day you've been approved and not when you started the whole process.