For RFE waiters, How much time for RFE approval ?...

Red Card

Registered Users (C)
Please share your experiences....

I got RFE on 8/15/02 on updated employment letter and received the same on 08/20/02 and send the response next day. As per AVM, NSC received the docs on 08/22/02, So I did my job to respond to RFE within a week, But howlong will NSC take to approve the case ?

Also, will RFE goes to same officer who reviewed my case earlier ? or Will it goto differrent department ?

Please share if you guys got RFE and send the response to INS and waiting for approval ????
Approval / RFE after RFE Received


I had received RFE for BC on 7/22/02 and responded to INS on 8/2/02 and they received it per AVM on 8/7/02. Still awaiting approval.
Will it be another 420 days ????

AVM says, we received response...Initial process complete....wait for another 420 days ????

Is this the standard RFE message ?
My RFE details

RD : 6/12/01
ND : 7/26/01
Rfe Issued for Wife Medical : 6/26/02
Rfe response received by NSC as per AVM : 7/16/02
Awaiting approval for both (No RFE for me - primary applicant)

Regarding the AVM : Yes, it says '420' days for everyone with RFE.

Anybody with similar timeline please post details.
Hi Jun01rfe

Are you waiting from more than a month after NSC received RFE response ? I have seen just 2 people who got their RFE approvals within 2 weeks ???

Did you check with your attorney ? Do you know any one in the similar situation ???
Hi Redcard

I know it's been a long wait after Rfe. I had called up IIO last week and asked about my case (no RFE for me, remember) the lady said that they were processing Dec 26th 2000 cases (I know it is absurd). She said only my wife can enquire about her case which got RFE. (Privacy issue blah blah...)
So when my wife called next day, IIO said they have received RFE response, but the reponse has not yet been 'attached' to the main file(whatever that means). I am going to give it one more week and then ask my attorney to contact NSC.
Regarding similar cases, There are a couple of cases with similar datelines as per Rupnet; though some other cases whose Rfe's have been received after mine have been approved.
If anybody with similar timeline - please respond.
Looks like not many RFE cases are waiting...


Eventhough we see many RFEs for Jun/Jul, only 2 to 3 cases responded and waiting for more than 3 weeks. Looks like many people are still trying to respond to RFE or just responded and waiting...or not interested to post (frustrated with RFEs) or who know ???

My attroney said, it may take up to 3 weeks for approval after INS responded to RFE.
2 weeks

I got my approval in 2 weeks after RFE response was received.
The fact is that once your RFE response is received, your case has to be re-assigned (I believe to the same officer who got it the first time). Once the case is reassigned you should get approval fairly quickly.
My guess is that if it has been 4 weeks or more after RFE response was received, your case has not been re-assigned and there is a problem. You should contact senator/congressman.
Also if there is an RFE on a derivative application(s), the primary case is still left pending (no change in AVM)
In my case the RFEs were on my wife and son's case, but we all got approvals on the same day.

Good luck to all those waiting.
My RFE details

LIN - 01-244-5xxxx
RD - 7/05/01
ND - 8/17/01
RFE issued - 8/02/02
RFE received - 8/07/02
RFE replied - 8/08/02
AVM updated - 8/13/02

RFE on BC ( mother name not there on my birth certificate, so is RFE) and updated Employement letter. Still waiting for approval

INS is pathetic.

My case:
RFE received on 8/7. Employment letter only. Wife's case no RFE.

Still waiting for approval.

Yes, I got the 420 day message. Don't know what INS is doing/thinking.

IIO... I do not know people with such personality should be called Officer...

INS has done a good job torturing and agonizing all the legal applicants. I know joining an evil cults claiming to be "persecuted" by some "bad" foreign government will make one get his/her green card a lot easier than doing it through an honest venue. However, I still choose to do it this way.

Thank you INS, for keeping reminding me that:
1) I am a foreigner here, (and you probably want me to remain so in my life);
2) Not everything in America is good.

No one has done a better job than you guys.
It is more than 3 months after responding to RFE

RD 5/01
ND 7/01
FP 12/01
RFE 4/02
RFE replied 5/02

Still waiting for approval. Called INS couple of times and the IIO's
say the case is not re-assigned to examiner.

Anyone waiting this long after responding to RFE?
Surprise long waitings....

It's surprise for me atleast to hear that people are waiting too long for approval after responding to RFE. Waiting for 3 months is defenitely a problem and I think in such cases contacting Senator may help.

I also see some observation on some RFE case approvals are the early you submit the response, the early the reply. May be the file will be moved to somewhere ???? if the response is late ???

Time will tell us, but let's keep this thread alive because this only gives us the moral support.

Best of luck to all of us.
AVM updated on 08/14/02 for RFE

I and my wife got RFEs on Medical vaccination. The RFE is dated 08/01/02 and we got that on 08/07/02. We got our vaccination on 08/08/02 and sent to INS on 08/09/02. AVM was updated on 08/14/02 and it says that this case takes 420 days. Still waiting for approval.
Just heard this

Just heard this from my friend.

RD 7/2001
ND 9/2001

His attorney checked with INS Nebraska.

His attorney asked about the progress of the case.

The feedback was "please call back after 8-9 month."

When the attorney got confused and asked what about the 420 day on the I-485 receipt.

The answer is that is not valid any more.

Then the phone was hung up.

Man, sounds like 420 days might be for real.
Just heard this from my friend.

RD 7/2001
ND 9/2001

His attorney checked with INS Nebraska.

His attorney asked about the progress of the case.

The feedback was "call back after 8-9 months."

When the attorney got confused and asked what about the 420 day on the I-485 receipt.

The answer is that is not valid any more.

When asking if there is any document missing. The answer is "No"

Then the phone was hung up.

Man, sounds like we have to get pre
Just heard this from my friend.

RD 7/2001
ND 9/2001

His attorney checked with INS Nebraska.

His attorney asked about the progress of the case.

The feedback was "call back in 8-9 month later to see if there is any progress."

When the attorney got confused and asked what about the 420 day on the I-485 receipt.

The answer is that is not valid any more.

When asking if any document is missing. The answer is "No".

Then the phone was hung up.

Man, sounds like we have to get prepared for a super long haul. 420 days might be for real
RD 6/15/2001
RFE on 7/1/2001 for Employment letter, BC and affidavit for BC
AVM indicate received on 8/14. I called IIO on 8/22. She was very nice and said it was with an officer. But it has been a week and the AVM hasn't been updated.

Anyone had the case with an officer for a long time please respond.
RD 6/15/2001
RFE on 7/1/2001 for Employment letter, BC and affidavit for BC
AVM indicate received on 8/14. I called IIO on 8/22. She was very nice and said it was with an officer. But it has been a week and the AVM hasn't been updated.

Anyone had the case with an officer for a long time please respond.
Just got approved

My wifes case had an RFE on 06/04. we replied in August and the RFE was received on 08/20. We got approved on 08/27(according to AVM). My case caused no RFE but still got approval along with my wife.
RFE Response received:08/20/2002
Approval(for both):08/27/2002