For People who use Obscene language


Registered Users (C)
This is for people like Debo_nair etc., (No Pun Intended)
Just to remind you that, calling some body \'bas*****\' in a public forum like this, is requesting unwanted trouble. You might think you are masquerading, but you are not, if somebody takes it really serious.
Remember the guy, who fabricated a wire messge, sending a stock to tumble 1/3rd and now in jail.
Especially you debo_nair, I don\'t know how passionate you are!, man you are here all over the place. You have applied for your 485 only in Feb and you are bitching everybody for not giving you the green card next day.
I am not saying, you don\'t have the \'right of imagination\'or for that matter \'the right\' to get it the next day. Just think there are people waiting since 96/97 to get their green cards.
Again, I have no problem with you bitching everybody.
If you post something in this message board, that should add value to others. Not like "I am from POONA and my wife is from Bombay", "Are you married? I am married too" "Do you want to go to stamping together?"
Please do post, I myself get the benifit of knowing the information, but don\'t think in this forum.
Please be more informative, so that we don\'t have to go through a lot of trash, before we get some tidbits of information.
Honestly, I want you to get the GC very fast, so that you can be outta of here.
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I second Kramer on this.
WELL SAID KRAMER. I think as professionals (assuming everybody here is getting their GC based on Employment ;)) we should atleast try and behave like one. I am not against anyone or as Kramer put it "No PUN Intended". Lets makes this a useful/informative forum rather than "people just getting their frustration out " forum. I wish all the guys good luck in the GC process. Just so everyone understands this country clearly granted temprory work VISA\'s for everyone. We all seem to understand that before we landed here in the US, but as soon as we set foot on this ground we think its our right to get GC\'s.
GC is like driving, its a priviledge. Please understand that.
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poor Debo, what did you say exactly? lol... am i supposed to be on th list too? yeah, i am a hightly educated professional too, but i don\'t think i am deprived of my right to use foul languages occasionally to express my frustration and relieve my anger. most importantly, i am human being and i do whatever i do as a human being instead of so called professinal.
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If i am angry I will vent my anger against that person or organization....Kramer if u have a problem then you can avoid my postings.....I have posted stuff with foul language whenever I get angry ...thats the whole point of having a discussion board....that way you can release all ur pent up emotions.....How do you know I am working only for my GC ? My cousin has been waiting for past 5.2 yrs at CSC..what the hell do you know about that ?? ..a friend of mine went back to India cos those morons at CSC ....he invested $6000 for his GC and now he is lingering in India .....cos he was out of status do you know I am not writing for them also ?
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well, everyone knows this site is helpful and informative. there might be something u don\'t like. but why don\'t everyone just read whatever valuable to himself/herself and ignore what you don\'t like? it\'s correct this is a public site, because it is public, so everyone is allowed to talk the way he/she likes. i even read from somewhere else that someone said someone else don\'t deserve the GC. what does he think America is? even the presidents of America say dirty words. US is not a place for Saints. many bastards such as those mafias get their GCs much faster than you and me!
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I dont understand this Kramer guy at all..what is his problem? giving all kinds of lectures around for nothing....He posts very little and only digs in others fault....are u jealous that I am getting my GC faster? If your case is roting for past 5 is my cousins is my friends.....You have to take it up ....Others i am sorry if i used foul language but i was actually frustrated cos of my cousin..He is on short term disablity ..he cannot move or walk after his car accident ....There is no way he can follow up on his case and guess what his PD is as old as jun 1996...for privacy i or he will not be posting his details .....This is a forum and there will be good or bad language...heck i care about it....
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I want to tell you guys a little story.

Once upon a time there was a town. The town had a lot of poor people. There was only one family that was very rich in that town. The family was thought to be dependant of the poor for some of the maintenance work going on in the family, that it was allowing a limited number of the poor people live in their backyard. Most of the poor thought it was priveledge to be granted such a permit. As days past, the queue to get entry became very big and it was difficult for the house to manage the crowd. They set forth so many rules and regulations each day and getting the entry was becoming difficult each day. But still, the poor people preferred to wait to get the entry. The bigger the queue, the bigger the problems were. Some people were left out. Some people felt bad wasting their time. Some of them got obnoxious. Some people got lucky. There was a total mess. The saga continued.. But one of them rightfully(?) wondered : “I wish I never knew about this family”!

Who to blame? The poor? The Famlily?

Just wondering….
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Hello Debo_nair,
You don\'t have to understand me. I am complicated enough that I myself don\'t know me enough. ( I fear that\'s true for somany people)
1) Usually I speak for myself, and if I speak for my cousin, I would say so in explicit terms that I am speaking for my cousin.
(Actually I follow this group closely and I have never seen your postings mentioning your cousin\'s plight. I feel sorry for him)
2) I can avoid your postings, but like I said you do post some useful information, which I don\'t want to miss. (Believe me I know how to skip people and postings)
3) I never mentioned to you that I am rotting here for so much time.
Am I jealous? I guess not. I don\'t know about you, but for myself the next morning I get the green card will be exactly the same as the day I get it and also exactly the same as the previous day. I was never denied an opportunity in my career, because I didn\'t have a green card. May be I am lucky, there might be others that think they could have been different. Just for Information sake, Vinod Khosla founded Sun on H1 and I know people who got their green cards and cannot start their "Battery Dead Car".

Even if there is a reason to be jealous, YOGI BERRA once said "It ain\'t over, till it\'s over" and I believe in it 100%, so there is no reason for me to be jealous... yet!.

4) Even in this thread, you posted twice unnecessarily. You could\'ve just done it once and posted all your feelings. That\'s what I meant by "Don\'t think in this forum"

I am just trying to tell you to make it more cleaner and informative group. That\'s all!. Also I am aware that "you can heck with this".

What ever I say is not binding on you, just in case you didn\'t know.
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Well, I second what kramer_1 has said. This is NOT a forum for anybody to use unseemly language. Think of it as a community. You may get away with foul language for a while, but you will not go unnoticed, and consequently shunned, if you persist.
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Hey guys let\'s drop this issue and focus on the intended value of this site: Helping others. Soon this meeting place will be a long lost memorey for most of us, so enjoy it while you can.
