For Final - When does NAMECHECK starts?


At what timeframe does the namecheck starts?
Does it start at the same time or soon after you get your Notice of action?
Or at the same time your fingerprint notice is issued?
or soon after your fingerprints are done? :confused:
LolaLi you may reply. Permission is granted. :D
Vorpal was saying it started at the same time as when your fingerprint notice is issued. LolaLi agreed saying he had talked to many different immigration officers confirming this.
Now you say...:confused:

it matters, if you think about an Infopass.
Right now I should get my IL letter in 6 weeks. Assuming it takes longer name check could be the reason and then I want to know how to over come it quickly, not just sitting around twiggling my thumbs.

it matters, if you think about an Infopass.
Right now I should get my IL letter in 6 weeks. Assuming it takes longer name check could be the reason and then I want to know how to over come it quickly, not just sitting around
twiggling my thumbs.

Yeah not twiggling my thumbs!:D
you can take an infopass appt any time you want :). there is very little you can do if you are stuck in the name check process. other forum posters have given options as writing the the First Lady , VP , CIS Ombusdman , etc but it doesnt really do much. the only way to get over this process is to file a WOM suit against the USCIS and things magically move faster.

I was stuck in this namecheck process and I know the level of frustrations one goes thru. every inquiry made to USCIS comes back with a "pending background check" response. Till one fine day you get that magical interview notice and all is well :)

So yeah if uscis and fbi can come up with a solution to get rid of this name check backlog crap all will be well .. after all we are paying them over 600$ to get naturalized.

I looked at the dates of others in the Sacramento area and most get the IL invite 6 to 7 weeks after the finger print.

That's what I use as a reference time line since nothing else is available.
Hope this helps geetha1 - although I didn't need your permission to post. I have attached a few documents that will help explain the name check process. Below is the general process for an N-400 application:

In general, the following tasks are involved in application processing: (1) collect and deposit application fees and issue receipts to applicants; (2) create or request existing alien files; (3) enter applicant data into an automated system; (4) take applicants’ fingerprints and send them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a criminal history check, including a criminal history check based on the applicant’s name (if required by the type of application); (5) review application, and other supporting documents, such as FBI fingerprint check results, marriage certificates, or court dispositions of an arrest; (6) interview applicants (if required by the type of application); (7) administer naturalization tests (for those applying for naturalization); (8) approve or deny cases; (9) notify applicants of USCIS’s decisions; or (10) issue a Notice to Appear placing applicant in removal proceedings; and (11) update USCIS’s automated systems.

- The BCS system explained in the attached federal registry actually automates the name check, IBIS check, and finger print check process. This was introduced in Jan. 2007.
- the attached flow chart shows the above outlined steps in a diagram format
- There is also an FBI document explaining what the name check process is and the groups involved.

You're probably going to have even more questions now. Basically, name check is initiated at the same time as the FP and IBIS checks - however keep in mind that finger prints are taken after due to volume at ACS. For example, although the IO may have entered your information in BCS and placed you in line for fingerprinting, you may not get a notice until the ACS serving your area has an opening. The same principle works with interview notices. Many applicants are ready to be interviewed but they live in a high volume DO area and are basically just waiting for their number to come up. Examples are Washington DC and Miami.
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I looked at the dates of others in the Sacramento area and most get the IL invite 6 to 7 weeks after the finger print.

Are you making this assumption regardless of people's priority date?
So most people in Sacramento would get their interview letters 6 to 7 weeks after fingerprint regardless of their priority dates?

if I look at my comparizon data, it's more or less the same chain of events.
Obviously there are some differences - holidays are one reason and there might be just the day of week when filed, but overall the 6 to 7 weeks seems a good estimate.
question for viva

Hi viva,

so are you saying ombudsman, infopass, senatore letter, letter to first lady etc dont help? and name check will complete when they feel it should complete?

what trieggered your namecheck to get completed?

Thanks in advance