For Eb1, is it required to send orignal reference letters, or copies are fine? Will INS ask for ori

Original works

Better to send originals, if possible. I got each of my referees to send me 4 originals in case I needed multiple copies - who knows with INS.
copies are good

I140 form clearly states INS doesn\'t require originals, except I94 in some cases.
I sent all copied letters for my Eb1(OR) and got approved.
you can not send the copies of letters unless..........

You must send the original letters, unless you have sent the original letters to INS for other case while you still need use the same letters, but you must explain what time and why you have sent the original to INS etc.
is it OK use same reference letter, but different petitioner

My I-140 (EB1-OR)got approved, but I changed job, so I need to apply again. Is it OK if I send same (copied one) letters I sent before. Of course the recommendation letters I sent says I am working for previous company. Ortherwise should I get new one saying I am working for current company.
You need new letters anyway;

INS will feel strange if you send them letters, saying that you work for some other company rather than your petitioner. You need letters for petition for your new company, otherwise you will have troubles.