For Better Performance with TSC..........


Registered Users (C)
We have got only 330 signatures on the online petition and I expected more than 500 signatures. Now it is necessary for us to send the e-mail/fax to the below given officials. If you are looking for faster results, just we have to do it. We will set 24th & 25th for this program and everyone has to send fax/e-mail on these two days. If they receive many requests on these days then it will have more impact. TSC has to get pressure from INS Commissioner, Immigration Services Division and AILA.
Please do not think that somebody else will do this so you do not have to do this. I want to tell a small story. Once upon a time, a king asked all his people to bring milk and add in to the tank/can. Everyone thought that since all are getting milk, nothing happens if he/she adds just water instead of milk. Finally, it was filled with water only, but no milk. I hope you have got the idea behind this story.

I kindly request you all to pass this link to your friends and ask them to pass it others and finally we could see more participation in this program. Many people don’t know or do not visit these immigration discussion forums. The tasks to be done:

1. Send fax to INS Commissioner : 202 - 514 –3296

2. Send fax to Immigration Services (INS HQ) : 202 - 514 – 8853

3 Send fax to TSC Director : 214 - 489 – 4012

4 Send e-mail to AILA:

***** Beginning of the letter to be faxed/e-mail *************
Subject: Randomly Generated Finger Print Notices by Scheduler at INS-Texas Service Center

We wish to bring to your notice about the unexplained delay we the applicants are facing when our I-485 Adjustment of Status, has been pending with Texas Service center for more than a year. Adjustment of Status is the final stage of processing before, we become a Permanent Resident. We are especially concerned about the scheduling of the Finger Printing.

Finger Printing is the first step of the process of Adjustment of Status of an Employment Based Immigration application. Depending on the applicant’s resident city and availability of facilities or time slots at a particular Application Support Center, the National Scheduler generates the Finger Print Notices in the order in which INS received the I-485 applications. But, at present, the FP notice is being generated randomly not following any order. Thousands of people have been affected by this randomness. A considerable number (25-30%) of applicants are getting their fingerprinting notices within 10 days to 2 months from the I-485 Receipt date. So it is taking only 4 to 8 months for them to receive the I-485 approval. There are many unlucky applicants who have been waiting for the last 17 months for their FP Notices. Consequently, it is taking more than 2 years for the latter group to get their approval. We feel that the typical time taken for I-485 approval would be 16 to 17 months if the FP notices were to be generated in the order of the receipt dates. Once finger printing is completed the applicant can expect the I-485 approval in the next 1 to 5 months. There seems to be no effort to clear the backlog of long waiting applicants, before generating FP notices for the recent applicants.

It seems like this flaw in the National Scheduler existed from the time of its installation in May 2001. Some applicants who have filed their I-485 in Jun ’02 have got their approvals! Some applicants who have filed in late Aug ’02 have received Finger Print Notices already!

We have sent many letters /fax to The Director, Texas Service Center about this problem. So far the system does not seem to be improving. Everyday many applicants, who have been waiting for their FP notices, are calling the INS about their FP notice status. All they hear from the Immigration Information Officers’ are that it is the scheduler, which is causing this randomness. They express their inability to override the scheduler, which is managed by a private agency/contractor. Texas Service Center is not aware of this randomness problem. Unless this is fixed soon, bulk of the applicants have to undergo undue and unfair suffering.

The processing times at all other Service Centers have improved and they are taking 8 to 11 months to approve a I-485. But Texas Service Center is taking 2 years to adjudicate on a I-485 application. Unless there is a miracle, TSC can not achieve the 6-month processing time for Green Cards by 2004 as promised by our President, with the current resources and facilities.

Could you please help us in resolving this issue? If it could be fixed, thousands of applicants will be benefited by your intervention. Thank you very much for sparing your valuable time.

Yours Sincerely,
***** End of the letter to be faxed/e-mail **********
All done

Sent fax to all 3 numbers today...surprisingly no busy signal! Is everyone sending, yet?
390 - 400 signatures on petition.

We're getting close to our target of 500. A little more marketing work people, and we can reach our goal.
I dont think it will matter much between

400 or 500 signatures. I think 400 signatures are pretty good response. Dont forget, there is another petiotion online- for spouses of GC holder. That petiotion has only 200 signatures even though it covers nationally for all service center.

I think we have a very good reponse. offcourse the more, the better.

Now we should focus on next step. Looks like Monica has not responded yet to Venkat's e-mail. I think it is time now to push. Venkat, let me know if I can help you
Please send fax/e-mails to INS & AILA

I haven't received any reply from Monica till now. Since they are doing without any charge, may be it is not better to send repeated mails to her. I will send another mail to Rajiv Khanna in the weekend to find about the next step.

In the mean time, please send fax/e-mails to INS and AILA.