FOIPA Template and Fax/Mail

Could someone direct to the link for the FOIPA template and fax number ? Also if possible forward the address.

How long does it take for FBI to respond ?

I have emailed FBI asking for FOIPA and I got reply in like 3 weeks.
If you do a search on this forum you will find number of links with format and address. And if you see one of my threads, I have posted the format for FOIPA.
needhelp1 said:
I have emailed FBI asking for FOIPA and I got reply in like 3 weeks.
If you do a search on this forum you will find number of links with format and address. And if you see one of my threads, I have posted the format for FOIPA.

did you sent expedite request for this?
Here is the template from Rahul Kumar's PDF file

FOIPA Template : Do I file for myself only or file for my wife who is the dependent.

Use this as a template to file your FOIPA request. Modify it to suit your information and fax it in to the FBI. Contact Debbie Beatty at (202) 324 6182 for more info
Make sure you send a Privacy Act request to check if FBI has a record in their Central Records System. It is important to see if there is a record or not. If you get a ‘No-Records” response and your name check is pending for a long time, you can take this information to Mr. Hardy/Mr. Hooton

David M. Hardy, Chief
Record/Information Dissemination Section
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20535
Fax: (202) 324-3752


Dear Mr. Hardy:
Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. section 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. section 552a, please furnish me with copies of all records about me indexed to my name or my identifying information, maintained in the Central Records System (CRS).

To help identify information about me in your records systems and/or programs, I am providing the following identifying information:

Full Name: John Doe
Date of Birth: January 1, 1981
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Social Security Number: 123-45-6789
Current Address: 123 My street, City, State Zip
Home Phone Number: 555-555-5555

If you have any questions about handling this request, you may phone me at 555-555-5550 (day or evenings). Please respond to: John Doe, 123 My street, City, State Zip.


John Doe

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that I am requesting release of my records to myself.

Executed on [date].

when did u fax ?

asmodean can you telll the date when you faxed ? also did u see a post by namesis that talks about potential delays in processing if FOIPA requested ? Any confirmation/refute of the same ?

It's a different thing ... you're talking here about a request to the FBI, mine was to DHS, about the situation of my wife's application ... not related to name check/FP ...

winny1971 said:
asmodean can you telll the date when you faxed ? also did u see a post by namesis that talks about potential delays in processing if FOIPA requested ? Any confirmation/refute of the same ?
Hi, GC4Ever
Can you tell me the fax number to fax FOIPA request.

Another question, If we sent this request to FBI, is it going to effect my I-485 case or both are independent processes?. Some where in this forum, some one was suggesting not to request FOIPA from FBI. Is this correct ?

FOIPA request time

hi, I heard some guys in this forum saying they got the FOIPA response in 1week or 3 weeks. I called FBI days ago, the lady there told me once I faxed the FOIPA, it usually takes 10 days to get a receipt ( just a receipt), then it takes 3 months to 1 year for them to give me the result. Is that true?

For those guys who got FOIPA response within several weeks, did you get the receipt? or get the actual results?

Thanks a lot.