FOIA Success


Registered Users (C)
I applied for FOIA with RD 10 Dec to get I-140 Application and
underlying LC Copies. Got the documents yesterday in mail
from VSC.
Case was of LC substitution and was not having the I-140
approval and LC details. Got them from Vsc using FOIA.

These documents might be useful for AC21.

FOIA -Freedom of Information Act - that allows you to get
any documents from INS regarding your case which
you may not have an access.
You have to fill up form G639. In that form just tell them what
document you need. Attach some receipt notice that you might
have (all copies).
Send it to VSC, on the envelope write FOIA , along with the
You will get the copies of the requested docs that you might
get easily from the sponsoring company, like I-140
Approval notice, details of underlying LC.

They might be usefull to file AC21. It takes around 90 days
after filing.
Track your FOIA request

When you receive a Control Number for your FOIA request, is there any way to track your FOIA Case Status using the Control Number?
1. Do you have to send the fees?
2. Do you have to notarize?
3. Do we have to get the consent? Who?
4. Do we just mail it to VSC or to the local office as the form suggests?
5. Documents needed: I am just saying I-140 with the receipt no + LC for above 140?
6. For identity I am just attaching copy of Drivers License along with EAD copy- EAD has A#?
7. Did you mention a purpose?
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1. no fees required - it is free.
2. I got it notarized from bank.
3. I mentioned THAT i NEED I-140 Approval notice, I-140 Appilcation and copies of underlying LC.
4. in purpose i said that i do not have them so i need them - but
can leave it blank.

5. You can call them to track it but I never did.
6. It takes around 90 days after mailing to get the docs.

Hello Guys,

can someone please help me understand where I should mention in the G-639 FOIA form that I need Labor certification related documents ?

Under section 6 of the form it says Data needed on Subject of record.
Where should I put I need documents related to
1) I 140 and
2) Underlying Labor Certification

Please advice,

FOIA Query to sb_tiger and random140

Hi random140 and sb_tiger


Did you get your Documents using the FOIA? How much time did it take?

My case is eaxctly like random140.

I want the I-140 Document and LC Papers as my company wont give them to me.My Company is not doing good and may be sold.It is also in the process of laying off its employee's.I fear i may be one of them.As my case was through labor substitution i need these documents to use AC21 provision.

Can we use the I-140 obtained through FOIA for AC21? Isnt I-140 considered to be company Property?

sb_tiger and random140 i would appreciate any information you would give.It would be a GREAT HELP.I am feeling very nervous and apprehensive.

You will get the DOCs in 90-100 days. Yes, you can use the I-140
approval notice that you get from FOIA for AC-21.

Petetion Or Claim Receipt #

random140 said:
1. no fees required - it is free.
2. I got it notarized from bank.
3. I mentioned THAT i NEED I-140 Approval notice, I-140 Appilcation and copies of underlying LC.
4. in purpose i said that i do not have them so i need them - but
can leave it blank.

5. You can call them to track it but I never did.
6. It takes around 90 days after mailing to get the docs.


In the form question - PETETION OR CLAIM RECEIPT #: (under #6)

What # I need to provide?

Can it be my I-485 EAC #? I don't have my I-140 EAC #.

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When Is that INS needs to be informed with AC21


When switiching the employer, when is the "employee" has to inform "INS" about the AC21. I have 140 approved and 485 applied for about 1 year. The employer is threatning to revoke the 140.

Should I need to inform INS before I go to new employer or after 3 months.

It will take me 3 months to get info from FOIA,