Flight Tickets (June/July)


Registered Users (C)
Since we don\'t know exactly which month the interview
will be scheduled until about the 15th of the previous
month, is the only option to confirm the tickets now and canceling
later if your case was not scheduled? This is an expensive option
($300 cancellation fee per ticket). And it\'s possible you have to repeat
this even the next month (i.e. book and cancel later).

The other option of waiting
till the interview is announced and then hoping for a seat to open up
at the last minute seems too risky.

Ideas welcome :)
2002GC: Re: Flight Tickets (June/July)

Tickets are so expensive in June and july; due to the schools being off its a "peak season". My travel agent says that it is rare that all seats get booked up. So i\'ve just decided to wait until I know the exact date and then book.
BTW, you don\'t have to wait until the 15th. You can email the consulate around the 5th and they\'ll let you know. That gives you an extra 10 days.
you don\'t need to wait till 15th for next month dates

If you call them they will tell you they can give a date for next month or not this is specifically for Mumbai. I am not sure you are from the same consulate or not. For Mumbai for the next month they start sending packets from the beginning of the month and you can get date by calling them by 2 or 3rd of before month. At least in my case they asked me to call around 6th to get the date.
Thank you!

Thank you for your help. My consulate is Chennai.
Don\'t know if they do this (letting you know if
the interview will be in the next month by the
5th itself) but I\'ll check.