first time TN renewal -help!


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Hi all,

First of all, I have to say this is a great site!

I have some questions of my first time TN renewal.

1. My TN will expire the end of Aug 08. If I renew it by filing I-129, I should do it right now. But I am just wondering which way is more safe to renew TN, by filing or at the border?

2. I started my job as a 7 months contract. My current company converted me as a full-time employee in Feb 08. I am concerned about my TN letter. As I understand, TN is ONLY assigned to people who hold temporary contarct job NOT for the people with permanent posion. Is it correct??? If so, how can I deal with it?

3. If I choose to file my renewal, do I need to send the copy of my degree? If I travel out of U.S with my TN expired, and during the time waiting for my new TN, how can I enter in US?

I really appreciate it if anyone can help with the questions.

2. This is false. The only restriction on TN employment is the length of validity. The job can be permanent, you just have to renew TN for one year at a time.

3. For I-129 You need to send a copy of all the required documentaion you would use at the border.
If you leave US and try to re-enter after your TN expires, but before your extension is renewed, you simply must get a new TN at the border -- and then cancel the I-129 by letter. The application at the border would be like your first one, with all original documents, letter, etc.
thanks for the reply!Re: first time TN renewal -help!

Hi nelsona,

Thanks for the reply.

I am still a little bit concerned about the TN letter from my company. I read some sample TN letter online and also my first TN letter for my current TN application. They all show the working period from A to B. However, as a full-time employee, how I ask my HR to put the working period???My job offer shows only the starting date and NO ending date.

Besides, for my first question, what's the better way to renew my TN, by filing or at the border? please advise!!!

Thanks again for your reply!
I have worked on a TN since 2004. I have always renewed at the border but in my letter it always has working that states, we know this is a temporary visa and only good for one year. Please grant the applicant a one year TN visa. You can search online for sample TN letters. Heres one that I have modified and used with success.

Dear Sir/Madam:
We write in support of our petition to (grant or continue) TN-1 nonimmigrant status to (beneficiary), a citizen and national of Canada/Mexico, so that s/he may temporarily assume the professional position of (title of position) in (department) for one year.
The University of New Orleans (UNO), a member of the Louisiana State University System, serves Louisiana’s largest metropolitan area and is a leader in the educational, social and cultural development of the surrounding community. UNO offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, in six academic colleges to over 17,300 students. UNO is a not for profit organization and employs approximately 2,595 persons.
As indicated above, we would like to have TN-1 nonimmigrant status accorded to (beneficiary) so that s/he may commence/continue employment with our institution as (title of position). (Beneficiary) will (give detailed description of responsibilities). (Beneficiary) will receive a salary of ($) per academic/fiscal year plus standard benefits.
We understand that the occupation of (title of job) is regarded as a professional position, for TN-1 purposes, as set forth in Appendix 1603.D.1 to Annex 1603 of the North American Free Trade Agreement. (Beneficiary) qualifies for TN-1 status as (title of position) on the basis of his/her academic and/or professional experience. (Describe beneficiary’s qualifications including degrees, research and/or teaching experience.)
On the basis of the foregoing information, we request that you grant TN-1 status for a period of one year.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address on this letterhead or staff from the Office of International Students & Scholars at 504-280-6021.
Sincerely yours,

(Name & Title of Director or Department Chair)
c: Janice M. Thomas, Director
Office of International Students & Scholars
Thanks Debun!

One more question about the date of my renewal, if I choose to renew my TN at the border.

My current TN will expire the Aug 27, 2008. So if I go to the border to renew it in some time June 2008. What will be the new period of the TN? Jun, 2008 to Jun 2009 or Aug 2008 to Aug 2009????

As which is better/safer, too many variables, and better may not be safer and vice versa. A lot has to do with the type of TN category, and how many times you are in and out of US, and whether you need an I-94 for your driver's license. If you travel frequantly, a mail-in is almost useless, as you will end up needing a border TN in all likelihood.
Thanks a lot!

I just found this web site and it is really awesome. I think I will come here quite often!
Thanks Debun!

One more question about the date of my renewal, if I choose to renew my TN at the border.

My current TN will expire the Aug 27, 2008. So if I go to the border to renew it in some time June 2008. What will be the new period of the TN? Jun, 2008 to Jun 2009 or Aug 2008 to Aug 2009????


Your mail-in will extend your TN by one year. The border TN however, will be good for 1 year from the date of entry, so in your example, June.

Be aware however, that most border officers will NOT issue a new unchanged TN when the old one still has more than 3-5 weeks on it, so do not expect a border TN before end of July.
Thanks for posting that TN Letter, debun. I like the simplicity and clarity of it. I have seen others posted online (and have saved them) but the one you've posted seems quite good.

Maybe it doesn't matter that much, but I thought the TN Letter had to specifically state the starting date of the job, as follows (modifying debun's template): As indicated above, we would like to have TN-1 nonimmigrant status accorded to (beneficiary) so that s/he may commence/continue employment with our institution as (title of position), starting on March 31, 2008.

(Or "for a one year period starting March 31, 2008").

The best letters do NOT state a starting date. this allows for more flexibility at the border. The letter itself should be dated.
Good point. Nelsona. As this will be my first time TN renewal, I really feel a little bit scared.I remembered when I first time applied for TN last August at Peace bridge border, the officer was going to deny my application. He asked me if I have any lisence which proved that I am a engineer, like P.Eng... But I dont have that type of lisense. He asked how you can prove that you are an engineer. I said my degree is Master of Engineering which can prove it. Honestly, I was not really concerned about if he issued me TN or not, as I had another offer from Telus at the same time. But eventually, I got the TN. This is my story.

I really dont know what will happen this time, as I still dont have any liscense of engineer.
I work with a Consulting firm A for a Client B on TN1. Now, is it necessary/ Nice to have the Client Name on the TN1 letter apart from the Employer's name?? I am just going to modify my current TN letter for the new Dates.

I had read in One of the threads, that the CBP did not renew his TN because the Offer letter was given from a Temp Consulting Agency , and there was No mention of the Client Name!

Your advice would be greatly appreciated!!
I work with a Consulting firm A for a Client B on TN1. Now, is it necessary/ Nice to have the Client Name on the TN1 letter apart from the Employer's name?? I am just going to modify my current TN letter for the new Dates.

I had read in One of the threads, that the CBP did not renew his TN because the Offer letter was given from a Temp Consulting Agency , and there was No mention of the Client Name!

Your advice would be greatly appreciated!!

There is no need to put any extra information in the TN letter (that includes the client name).
Based on the sample letter posted here:

We understand that the occupation of (title of job) is regarded as a professional position, for TN-1 purposes, as set forth in Appendix 1603.D.1 to Annex 1603 of the North American Free Trade Agreement. (Beneficiary) qualifies for TN-1 status as (title of position) on the basis of his/her academic and/or professional experience. (Describe beneficiary’s qualifications including degrees, research and/or teaching experience.)

Here, Does the "job of title" mean the one lists at the Appendix 1603.D.1: Professionals, and the "title pf postion" is my current job title at work???

I would use the TN category. Job titles at work are often convoluted and reflect heirarchy rather than function.