First Time Crossing With Green Card


Registered Users (C)
I just came back yesterday from my First Trip after the Green Card.

The Officer was not very friendly and asked me what I did and what I was doing while in Mexico.

He stamped: Admitted Until: ARC/ 11 days....

What does this mean????

Thank you for your comments
I think the important part is you are in

I think you better call and find out

did you receive your plastic card yet?
I came in from a Tijuana visit. In my case too the officer asked lots of questions - why did you go to TJ, how long were you in Mexico, where do you live in US, how long you have been a PR.
However, he did no stamping! Guess that doesn't matter.
oh ok I guess this is standard procedure

now I understand

they need to record where you've been and what you were doing

they just want to make sure you didn't do anything illegal.

That is what these pages are for on your passport to record all the international movement you made. This practice is centuries old. I've been reading up on it.