First thoughts... and first thanks...


Registered Users (C)
my green card was approved a few minutes ago. to be honest, i feel like a vegetable when i think about the trauma (rape?) i've gone through these exact two years. when i think of it thoroughly, though, i must admit that i am a bit - shall i say - glad? a lot of it could be part of the post-rape healing process - who knows?

before i get into the "whys" of the approval i'd like to convey my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to everyone who i had the pleasure of interacting with, everyone who wished for my success, and even everyone who didn't. although nowadays, thanks to evolutionary psychology, rape is sometimes considered an adaptive behavior, the fact remains that nobody should be subjected to this humiliation, even foes. so my thanks are due to my closest bunch (people i've interacted with often) as well as the not-so-close ones (people who've illuminated me in some way, even if i didn't have the opportunity to chat directly). i have decided i'll name no one - NONE - because they are too numerous - but there are at least 5 whose wisdom i'll remember for the rest of my life as an immigrant (and i know YOU know who you are).

now, for the "whys" (or why i think "why"). i had to have the senator's office hound CIS up pretty badly about 1.5 months ago. i am required to get costly and time-consuming security clearances due to work-related issues - i have a joint appointment with NASA - on my monthly visits to their centers. so NASA, after much burps and hiccups, decided to write me a letter directing CIS to expedite my case for national interest for reasons "including, but not limited to timely space-missions."

this worked magic! within 10 days i was contacted by CIS, and of course, an approval followed shortly. there's nothing like a nice beating up like old days. i was pleasantly glad to find out that an aging giant still performing those oft-needed bureaucratic tricks.

to conclude, i will still visit these forums - but honestly, i haven't been here for any extended periods in months! even when i have, i've just glanced over. seems like i've lost the old feeling. i might not have posted my approval either, but i did feel a strong sense of family and responsibility among everyone who reads this. nonetheless, my good wishes are with everyone who await his/her turn, and also to those who've passed the hurdle nonchalant.

p.s.: pork and sankrit: don't know if you guys have been approved yet - but if not, could you please post when you are? i hope to keep checking every now and then.

Keep visit this forum. Also pls. post your case details (ND, RD, etc.), though I know you are an old timer.
Congratulation! Hope this GC will allow you go to space later.

BTW, two years is not a long time in GC application
case details...

sorry i forgot to give my details:

Category: EB1-OR/OP
RD: 04/04/2002
ND: 04/19/2002
H1 (none)
EAD (twice, excluding EAD for OPT - went from F1 to AOS)
FP (twice)
contacted senator/congressman ~ feb 2004

also, thanks to frodo, devdas, jksongc, andy2000, blinkingstar, wallst_wizz, Jagabalia, skjun02, vcorcl for your kind wishes...
Great News

However if I were you I would not go into space, if you leave the country for too long they will consider your GC abandoned.

Good Luck

However if I were you I would not go into space, if you leave the country for too long they will consider your GC abandoned

As long as you maintain a satellite link, or whatever you maintain while in space, with an US based earth station you should be fine. Any 'good' attorney could make a compelling case of that. Maybe it is time to create form I-666 for Advance Space Parole.....
I Don't Know

You might be able to make a case on a US owned space station, but what about the International Space Station. If that is not US teritory then you might fall out of status. Perhaps certain modules within the ISS are the teritory of each nation. If that was the case then Orca would have to have to keep his passport in the pocket of his space suit.
Congrats Orca!
enjoy your post-rape period!
i'll still trying to pretend to be a lover here :p
thanks paulclarke, rsur, hqusa, for the great sense of humor and the fine use of your brains; it seems totally unfair that people like these should have to lurk with pseudonames on immigration boards with some brainless sea urchins from Lincoln ruling their lives.

btw, paulclarke, your input to these forums have been beyond ordinary belief - i had gained much insights in the past from your painstaking deductions. i think you were a Mar 02 case - have you been approved yet? sorry i haven't frequented these boards to know if you have...
OK, paul, a slight perusal of the boards just led me to believe that you are in the process of responding to your RFE, so please ignore my ignorance. i'll try to follow your approval. best wishes.
Hopefully Not Long To Go

I did some analysis a couple of weeks back that averaged RFE date to APL date as between 40 and 50 days. If that is a good number then I might see approval as early as the next 6 weeks. But who can tell.
hey, orcina!

first of all, hearty congratulations! it was great seeing your post about your approval. i missed seeing it earlier, as i had not been frequenting these forums for a while. i came back today to report to report my own approval, and happened upon yours. i have mentioned you and sankrit by name in my post, and was surprised and gratified seeing you did the same!

you are absolutely right when you say that some of us forged a bond. i'd add that it would be pity if we just let it go, so please keep in touch.

i can't help but wonder what sankrityayan might be up to? haven't heard anything from him in long while. i hope we get to see his approval soon.

once again, congratulations, and - if i may add a customary benediction - enjoy your freedom!