First person to throw GC away

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While it is your decision to go back or not you never said you are going back because you love India. You are only going back because things did not work out for you. If things don\'t work out there what will you do? try another country or get dejected in life or go into depression. Running away from problems is not the way to solve it. I don\'t want to talk ill about India but, you like it or not you came here for the same reason as HVN did. No matter how difficult things are working around it is the way to go. otherwise...

Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka.

Good luck and hope things will workout for you.
I used to see guys smarter than my dad, but I never call him \'Dad\' since I already have a dad.

I don\'t agree with you Mr HVN. Here you may have more money and luxury. Is that the only thing u need? Then I would say you are wrong. I am also here for a short period as I am not from a financillay sound family. Even though electricity goes off and cows on road, I used to sleep peacefully in India. Here I am worried about lot of things. Bills, rent, insurance, car parking, loan payments, tax filing, keep numerous files, Call phone company to get the credit for extra charges etc.

I used to see guys smarter than my dad, but I never call him \'Dad\' since I already have a dad.
To sum up

(1) To go back with a fat savings and to spend a peaceful life ( with less chance of early heart-attack) is not at all a bad idea. It does not need Patriotism, it may be out of Prudence.

Best wishes for Fortune 100. It is really fantastic to spend a nice breezy moon-lit evening on the the roof of a house ( built with the savings in $ and without any loan) , even when there is a power-cut.

(2) Top marketing guys (with less enlightenment) may start believing what they are selling ( As they are used to sell a defective idea/ product as flawless one) (Just to understand the fact what prodded HVN to write such a shit)

(3) Getting a Green Card is not Nirvana. It is no way close to getting an MBA from Harvard or a PhD from MIT .. which may generate some acceptability.Coming to US as a cheap labour, getting GC may generate a lifelong process of compromising with the odds, may lead to a life ... dazzled by the gloss of a society full of pecuniary motives - not really based on strong emotional fabric ... lead to a hotchpotch Indian-American life based on $-to-Re Exchange Rate and Honda Accord and Indian Grocery.

(6) Even the best people from India (not to speak of cheap labour like us ) like to be called Naturalized American .... like a crow with some feathers of a peacock. Definitely there are exceptions. Right now, I can remember one ... an Indian Nobel Laureate.. Prof. Amartya Sen is proud to hold Indian Passport, likes to move from Harvard , USA to Cambridge, UK for better assignment.

Fortune 100 may be an exception ... it does not mean defeat.
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Are u blind. Doesn\'t Fortune100 say he is not going to come back even if he gets his GC. So i think ur comments are very wrong and things like Kutta and stuff. Well he may be a dhobi ka kutta but looks like you are a dhobi ka gada which only knows the dhobi\'s house and the dhobi ghat. Reason u can\'t understand english. Look at ur pathetic name. Are u having labor pains. You are still awaiting FP and aisa bolta hai khi koi teer marliya.

what I meant is there are good and bad things everywhere. after all all are human beings. I felt you were here for just a few months and looked like having home sick. I know a few guys/families said good to US after having enough savings. Infact Iam having a date(definite calendar date) to go back. Couple of them came back after a few months/years. Don\'t burn all the bridges.
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Hello Fortune100,

Good Luck,

Hello INSPains,

India is our mother country. No matter whatever happens, always we will get comfort from our mother right. The same thing fortune100 may be pursing. If he gets good salary and peace of mind, he may feel better. If he doesnt, then also he feels better, b\'coz he is in India(less to worry)

Hello Gayatri,

Well said.
Savings for "retirement" in India?

Fellow posters, could someone (perhaps Fortune100) please tells us what kind of savings would be needed to retire (read: not work in a hectic manner) in India?

What are the estimates for basic expenses? (I\'m sure they have changed significantly since I left in 1990.)

If one were to save $500K and go back, would it be enough to lead a reasonable life (couple + two kids)? How about $250K? $750K?

Finally, what is a "decent" salary in India for a couple with two kids? I understand that a figure will vary by cities, and am looking for an estimates / ranges. For example, $90K-$120K would be a "comfort zone" salary for most places in the US, if not all.

Thanks in advance!

ps: Retirement doesnt mean sitting idle. It just means that "bread winning" is no longer the primary reason to work. One could work to pursue other interests, with non-profits, to get a new experience, etc.

pps: yeah, i know it has nothing to do with immigration.
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Yo! dellb,

looking at your messages anyone can say that you are a idiot, so be quite...

you are thinking from the wrong end. Please stop your melodrama.
GC Drone

I would think a savings of about $500K should be able to buy a good living in one of the metros in the South of India. If invested well, one would probably not need to work at all. Bby/ Delhi/ Cal would be a lot more expensive.
Two different countries

India and USA are both different in their own ways with both good and bad things. Its upto each individual to decide what is good for him and his family. Even if you come from a wealthy family , I think you live in an area which is not developed. I come from a middle class family in India but I have a beautiful bungalow, with a big garden and clean roads and plenty of water. Don\'t forget that the people of India ,like you and me are also responsible to some extent for the \'shit on the roads\' as you call it. You say you are a VP marketing here. Last time when Americans donated so much to the earthquake victims in India what was your contribution? As you said \'US is significantly better than India\' , maybe you are right. But let us accept some responsibility too. You need to meditate.
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You are a moron going by your postings. When u stop ur drama I will stop mine. Learn to talk human beings language not a dhobi\'s. I never knew they started giving H1s now for dhobi\'s.
U stupid shit the guy u were critcizing is an EB1 (certainly better credentials than your employer based EB2 or EB3.)
Get ur sorry ass back in the line for your FP and keep waiting there.
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Do you type everything yourself or someone does it for you? am I getting into your head?
Fortune100 ... Its better that we take the GC than it going to MidEast or Paki Terrorist

Its better that we take the GC than it going to MidEast or Paki Terrorist. Its better that GOOD guys take the GC then it falling in the hands of Bad guys.

So Good guys don\'t give up. Fight back .. indirectly you are keeping out the Bad guys.
wow..u guys talking in 500 to 750K range!

I guess guys in this coulmn are indeed very very rich.
$100K + a residance is more than enough

Close to Rs 48 lakhs will get you Rs 40000/- pm even from a nationalized bank and the sum is atleast double the monthly income of average upper middle class in India. Invested and spent wisely $100K will come for a loooooooooooooong way.