First person to throw GC away


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Folks, I came on EB1 (Marketing) (L1A-intra company managerial transfer visa) in 2000, got I 140 approved in Sep. 2000, filed 485 in Nov 2000 (RD-Nov, ND-early DEC), am waiting for GC approval but looks like a close shave if it happens, as I am planning to leave for good around the end of this month, due to being laid-off for no fault of mine and lack of smelling the vital statistics of superiors. Always wanted to get back to good old home.

Take care guys! Have fun.

P.S. Even if I get the GC, I might not come back, India is a good place.

though it is good to go back not as sour grapes

Politics are every where. I worked in India almot 20 years. Top in class and performed much better than peers. Still many things happened which is beyond my control and no falut of mine. swollow and progress. Don\'t let things take your heart.
Grow up

Just because you had a bit of set back where you are doesn\'t mean you have to pacify yourself that India is a good place. I come from a rather wealthy family in India, and could frankly go back and not have to work a day there. However, what I\'ll most probably be spending my time doing is ensuring there\'s enough of drinking water, get the generator up and running when electricity goes off, make calls to senior officials to get my phone lines installed and/or repaired, stomp through the shit on the roads, dodge cows, etc.....

All of us here meet with set backs in our careers (I\'m a marketing VP myself), but we move on and make the best of the situation. If one situation doesn\'t pan out, you move on. But you don\'t necessarily return to India convincing yourself it isnt\' such a bad place. It maybe home, but the US is significantly better than India - family or not. You learn to make this home.
Reply to Grow UP

I agree India is always a better place to the people who are born and grew up in India. Just because you get more material comforts
here , you cannot say America is superior than India. You are like one who wants to choose rather richer parents
for comforts than the actual one who gave you birth and support to grow up.
Cool down guys!!

If he wants to go back to India, its his choice. Its not necessary that everyone likes a particular country. Be it India or US. If he is happy in India, let us wish him the best.

I know everyone has his own problems with the company. But your GC will be approved soon, I wish you can stay and get another job. After all these years, I think you deserve to get the GC. Well, if you are still thinking of going back, I wish you all the best. Good Luck!
No Title


You have a massive attitude problem. Were u born here. Didn\'t u dodge cows while u were young and perhaps even stepped on cow dug or atleast drove over it considering ur wealthier claims. Everyone has their own opinion. Well why don\'t u show ur prowess in marketing in India. And use the same language there.
The guy is leaving and he didn\'t invite ur personal profile here and ur egotistic views.
Some come, make money and leave.
Some stay here.
Some go back.
So what\'s ur problem with that.
I am not saying India is great or the US is great. But the point is u too were born among the same shit and just because u grew some horns or some whiskers here dun\'t mean u conclude things.
Perhaps its time u grow up mentally instead of careerwise.
to HVN and Fortune100

Fortune100, I am happy for you and hope that you have a full and satisfying life in india.
HVN, you are just pathetic. I can understand though.. since you are coming from some remote village with not even power, and being from a rich family, which I can imagine by the standards of the village, you find all these clean mindless richness attracting.. but, who are others to criticize you.. just dont say that all of India is like your shit-hole.
Boy, it really stirred up a Hornet\'s nest...

in HVN\'s (rich) mind. Apologize for the mixed feelings that my posting has created but with all due respects to the patriotic and proud Indians (I am one myself), dear HVN must be a rather proud soul himself- Boy with all his "father\'s money" he doesnt realize that you can get a battery-operated generator (in India) that operates at the flick of a switch for 9 - 10 hrs. Anyways, dear Marketing VP- "happy pavement beating"; I am off to the land of sunshine and beaches where I can kick my feet off the ground and relax in a hammock sipping a lovely rum punch and watch the sun go down- "with my own self made money- thanks to interest rates of 8 - 9.35% p.a and my own initiative to save enough for a well-settled life in India (probably what you would save as a VP for 8 years). BTW, careful- if you bring up your kid to be a braggard like yourself, he might just dial 911 and turn you in (just a kind thought). To all the other good souls on this board, good luck and my best wishes to all of you- "Who knows maybe I will come back".
No Title


Well said.
Wish you good luck in all your future endeavours.
I may add a quick line here.
Even the fellow who sells hankies for a living on the pavements is a
VP (marketing), President, CEO of the push cart organization he owns.
I am not making fun of the hankie seller\'s livelihood.
Second line ahha u don\'t even know the phone number where to check ur finger prints (its listed in Search on this site in so many areas) and u want a green card. Well u can get one in India for ur dumbass.
(its for ration though). Desist commenting on other\'s asses when u urself are a dumbass.
No Title

Alla best Fortume100 at least you will be in a land where ur not treated like a second class citizen or viewed as a potential terrorist because of the color of your skin.

Taks care my friend :)
Lift your eyes to the skies

What you would do is exactly what I did. But I haved started to smooth myself, you haven\'t yet.

  I was already an asssociate professor when I decided to come to US 4 years ago. What I have done here is just like a worker: no mind or idea needed; just try to be a robot. I have no idea why I choose to stay here, and directed by the God to have applied for GC. I realize while I get sth I also lose sth. But I will be good.

 Do not try to think that this world is fair, actually it has not been fair at all since its creation. Try to pacify yourself and show your dignity-- that is life.

BTW, Sour Grapes make Sweeter Wine, I am not at all sour and in fact looking forward to the sweeter stuff back home (who can beat the culinary art of India? Not Emeryl, not any of the fine dining restaurants here, and further oh man\' the sweet smell of the good old kitchen back home drives me crazy). Also, do appreciate the good - hearted suggestions (maybe a tad crude) from both HVN and yourself (no pun intended) and am sure that you will do well for yourselves and my thoughts are with you.

As for India or US: I am sure all of us are mature enough to decide; as we have by far trodden the same beaten path, maybe with slight variations.